Memories Part 2🌺

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"Was that a dream?" I looked down at the green cloak draped around me. It was clean, with no drop of blood on it. Just who was the one that gave this to me? How did I miss them?

I remember the words being spoken near the time I was losing in the forest after escaping the spiders the best I could.

" u...... "

" .....ou ar......afe... now...."

I looked up to the sky of the morning sun, not a cloud in the sky, bright blue shinning down on me. "What was that, language?" Everything that happened seemed so real. It hurt my head just thinking about it. Remembering a face of kindness, with shades of brown. Only to shake my head in sadness I couldn't remember their face, or name.

I had been left here, but to my shock my wounds were healed. Nothing hurt, which sounds strange because. In my memories I could remember my leg hurt still.

Maybe it was time to start fresh, and try a new way of living. Telling me something good might happen later on, or what might come. It seemed like life gave me another chance to find hope. Grabbing my arm I stood up, and began to walk up the hills of the green fields in hopes to find some civilization.

{Few hours later}🌺

"Hmm, I wonder if this place has a name?" I now stood before farmland, that had corn growing and a man other things. It was so sunny outside that I began baking out in the sun. My cloths might of been torn, apart from the cloak I got but I still was roasting. The sun began to slowly go down as I arrived.

"To where ever this was." I didn't notice the fact that my mouth was wide open in shock, as I lifted another achy foot up and trekked up this massive hill, that only wanted to pull me back down from the slope. "Ha... okay just a few more more hours. Heh." I smirked releasing on what I just said. A few hours was not a good thing. I felt so stupid to say that, but still It felt good knowing I was getting somewhere. I felt more alive more than anything, maybe because of my life and death experience.

*Tap Tap Tap* I stopped walking once again spotting a tree on the side of hill, and in the distance houses, many little houses built into the side of hills. Flowers blooming beautiful in the area. I lost my shoes way back when I woke up. I didn't know where they went. So since then barefoot was all I could do. I had to be careful on how I walked, so my feet wouldn't get cut by some sharp object like rocks or such.

Fresh soft grass was heaven on my barefeet. It was like walking on clouds. I wished it wouldn't go away. There was still about 3 hours of sunlight left until the sun would set. Food was only a figment of my imagination at this point. I got used to the grumbling in my stomach, in the end my stomach gave in and said nothing.

I walked up to the single tree, and saw the fresh apples up on the branches. "Uh...f-food...." Sadly none of the branches looked like they could be climbed. They were too high up for me. My eyes fell to the apple on the ground. Red, and perfect, ready to eat. I kneeled down as the cloak touched the earth. Wrapping my fingers on it, I picked it up. Sliding down to the ground I blew on the apple, and began to bite down. My teeth sinking into the apple, followed by a fresh sweet taste.

I didn't know how I sat here, but the sound of carriage caught my ears. I looked up a bit with another apple in my hand, as I chewed on it lightly. Not too far from me, I could see a pony come walking up a hill pulling a carriage. With a older man dressed in a long grey robe like clothes sitting controlling the pony. His had sitting next to him on the seat caught my eyes. Pointed, and large. It was cool.

'W-wah..!! he's coming this way!' I straightened myself up, like nothing was up. I didn't want to bother people, or him. *Clop clock thud...clop clop thud..* The sounds of rocks, and horse hooves came closer. Until I realised he was passing right by me. "!!" Sharp, but soft at the same time blue eyes looked back at me. I looked up only a bit. Seeing him greet me with a nod of his head. I returned it, with a not pretending I was just relaxing under the shade of the tree.

*BITE!* Suddenly I felt my teeth sink into my figure, missing the apple. "Tch..! aah..! ffft" I hissed looking at my hand, realizing I missed the apple, while a little red dot of my teeth's imprint on my finger showed. 'Wow...I'm stupid.' I blinked, looking back seeing the old man vanished into the distance. He seemed to be heading up the hill. Most likely to meet someone, unless he lived here.

I sighed standing up on my feet, and also began to follow up on the hill. Being careful of not stepping on another painful rock.

"Tch, stupid rock.." I shook my foot, as the pebble came flying off my foot.

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