Cold Hard Stone Part 4

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"What's that?"

'Wait what?' I shot my head up from my laying position. I could see a glowing blue admit into the cave.

Thorin seemed to look concerned just as much as me. Looking to the side, he tried to figure out something.

Seeing Bilbo grab the elvish dagger at his side, and sliding it up suddenly explained everything.

*C...reaaakk.....shshshhhwhshhhh* A eerie sound of sand running suddenly came flooding in. I tilted my head seeing little lines, getting wider, and wider running below our feet, and down to the other side of the cave. Reaching my hand out to my bow I began to sling the quiver onto my back, I gripped my bow in one hand. While the secret dagger given to me by Fili was still hidden, now sitting in my boot.

"Wake Up! WAKE UP!" The hollering of Thorin suddenly made all eyes snap open.

Even Kili sharply sat up in mid snore. Gawking with wide eyes, then turning to me with a shock stricken face, finding me awake, and questioned flooded his mind.

"Huh..?!" Suddenly everything began to move, and shift below us. I began to jump to the side crawling forward to the entrance. "Hya..! oof!" I jumped forward trying to grab onto the side of the cliff. Only to feel something open up below, and smashing me against my chest protected by the armor plate I had on.

No one had time to take a breath,as the sudden rush of wind came, and began to plummet below the ground. With Fili dropping down first. Blankets, pots, and pans came crashing down with us. Dangerously with our weapons flying around us.

"WAAAAAH!!!! "WOAHH!! *CLING!CRASH! * Everyone yelled at the top of their lungs. Kili, and Thorin only a few meters above me. Me who was he second one to plummet down the depths of hell. Tried not to scream, but more like kept my voice locked inside me from trying to concentrate on not getting slammed into a loose running sword, wall, or even some dishes.

There I was falling fast, while we spun around, going head first one second, and backwards the second. I could see the shocked looked on Thorin's face. He actually looked kinda funny with that look, it helped him loosen up the stress marks on his face.

"Oh no Oh no, no-no...!!" I could see an oncoming sharp turn with the wall getting closer to me. Fili the unlucky blonde just happened to be following the direction of my falling body. "C-crap..!!" I hissed

*BAM!* I crashed into the fall, making my head flutter a bit. MY eyes widen in horror seeing Fili coming right. *THUD!*

"Augh...!!!" The prince just flew into me for one second, with a look of apology on his face. "I'm So Sorry!!" He called, as I see his float away from me. Whipping his head around to make sure I was still in one piece. I just waved it off, but my head, and body still fuzzy, from his weight.

Meanwhile Kili being the playful one, some what enjoying this, was giggling at the scene before him. *Cling CHHINNG!* More flying objects came rushing past me. "Woah...that was close." To my feeling, I could tell we were nearing the edge of the drop. Fili was now facing up towards the company on his stomach. Spotting his brother, Thorin, and even Bilbo. Just like me from the awkward position. My hopeless attempt to keep me from face planting.

My eyes widening to the sight of a opening, suddenly Fili speeds up, rolling, having his body get tossed up into the air. Seeing him fly out, followed by a loud thud.

Heart Of A Dragon Reader X Kili X Fili X Legolas, Aragorn, Hobbits,Where stories live. Discover now