Cold Hard Stone Part 1

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{Next Morning}  

I knew it, for some reason I knew it was going to happen. Morning was close by. My mind was fuzzy. Till something caught my ears.

"Well then wake her up..!"

A voice suddenly said. Making my eyes snap wide open.

"!!" 'W-what was that??" I breathed hard. Was it just a dream??

'OH right!' It was morning, and we had to go. Literally sliding out of the elvish bed. I tried to land on my feet. However,...

*THUD!* My feet came down too hard, making them slip out from under me, and slam onto the hard floor.

I could hear footsteps come closer, and closer from the outside. I seemed like they were running. "Oh no...get up get up.....!" I whispered to myself shoving myself off the ground. I began to throw my clothes on, pacing back, and forth making sure I didn't miss anything. In the corner of the room I spotted my bow, and arrows in quiver. 'Oh, nice it's full of fresh arrows.' Picking it up, I slung it onto my back, and over my head went the straps. I finger combed my hair, grabbing my little leather bag that was looped into my belt I placed my comb into it. Now I just had to slip my boots on.

Lacing them up, I began to rush, for some reason I could feel a bone chilling cold come rushing into my room. As if someone wasn't happy.

*Knock knock*

*THump!* Suddenly my eyes widen hearing my door get knocked on. I shot up out of the bed, and speed walked to it.

*Click* I swung the door open to the face of the one who stood before it.

Oh, it was Fili, and Kili. Both twiddling their thumbs, as they stood there in shock, and a apologetic face. "Oh, hello there." I greeted the two.

"Ah...- Morning..!" The two suddenly bowed to me in perfect unison, right after feeling as if they were lost.

"Something the matter??" I blinked at them, as if I didn't just jump out of bed. I played the.' Have been ready for a while now game.'

"No.!" The two shook their heads once again. 'Haha brothers.' I giggled to myself, but I could still feel the sleepless short night come back, and hit me in the face.

"I'm guessing Thorin....sent you up here?" Kili's face suddenly went blank.

'H-how did she know that??'

"Mh, well yes. Uncle did call for you." Coughed the blonde. "Right, let's go then..!" I speed walked out the door. '💨Feww......made it..'

"Ah uh....." Kili looked stunned there.

"Hurry up Kili!" Fili pushed his brother forward from his daze. The two picked up their shorter legs, trying to catch up to me.

'Oh...god help me....I'm soo tired......' I tried to find my way around the halls. Only to step out into the open to my shock, after swerving like some weirdo. While the brothers dragged each other forward still trying to catch up. By not they were almost sprinting after me.

Then there he was. Thorin, standing right there with the others in the open. "!" 'EEp! T-Thorin!'

I suddenly slammed the breaks on. "Mh!" The youngest prince squeaked lightly from behind. Course I was oblivious to it at the time.

*Thud!* I suddenly felt something slam into the back of me, kissing my bow on my back. I felt something cause me to step forward in surprise.

'W-what the..???' I turned my head slightly. Seeing Kili just peel himself off my lower back, holding his nose for a moment as he shook his head a bit from the mini dizzy spell.

Fili looked up at me lost of words. He wanted to apologize, but Thorin was near by and it was..actually Kili's fault this time. His sky blue eyes sunk back in his head, hopping I would get mad at them.

Kili's eyes popped back up at me, after collecting himself. "Sorry..!"

-To be continued

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