Memories Part 3

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The last thing I remembered was. Crawling my way up a speed hill, near some house. It was getting sooo tired that I literally found myself grabbing some random thing made of wood. Pulling myself up, I fell asleep with a cloak draped over me, making me look like a pile of moss on a random wood bench with flowers, and hedges around me.

Sniffing in the nice late afternoon scents I closed my eyes.

Sitting up, I suddenly found myself in a place where I had not planned on being. "!!!!" I felt shock hit me like a thunderstorm. 'W-what is going on!!!??? Stupid stupid!! me! I fell asleep, and found myself stolen once again!' Dear god knows when I will learn my lesson.

While my mind was spinning like mad. A faint voice came to be in this pretty nice looking room.

"Ahem.., *A slight cough came from the corner of the room*...ah good morning..??" I snapped my eyes up at the soft voice in question.

"Oh....." I blinked. It was a young man, barefoot nonetheless. A blonde curly short haired young man, who stood with a cloth in his hand in shock just as much as me.

There was an awkward pause in the air. "I didn't th- I found you sleeping on my front porch. Nice to see you awake though." He adds quickly, try to keep the air steady between us. He nods his head a bit in the end. "!! I'm so...sorry.. I was- I had no idea. I thought it was a public place."

​​​​​​​He held up a finger. "Ah.. technically not. But I wouldn't worry too much about it." He seemed nice, and calm.

"You gave me quite the shock, when you suddenly sat up in the bed. While I was walking by."

"Where am I?" I cranked my head to the side, looking around the room. It was clean.

"This is my home, you are in hobbiton in the Shier. You never heard of it before?" I slowly shook my head in surprise. Feeling my hair slide off my shoulders. "A..h n-no. I guess I should be going. Thanks for letting me stay." I began to slide out of the bed.

"W-wait..!" I turned seeing the man stand there. Suddenly seeing that he was much shorter than me, and pointy ears came from the side of his hair behind his blonde locks. "Why don't you join me for dinner, and get cleaned up? I assume you haven't eaten anything yet. Frankly I don't get many visitors. There really is no need to rush." He finishes his a calm voice, looking me in the eyes.

"S-sure thank you, that will be great-......"



"That is my name. Welcome to my home."

"I'm _____, nice to meet you. Now...uh.. w-where is the bathroom??" I tried my best to stay calm, and polite.

"OH! right right, it's this way. Follow me please." I followed Bilbo through his halls of well kep furniture. His carpet felt so soft, and look beautiful with the design.

"I'm...sorry to ask... but... your ears.. there."

"I'm a hobbit. It's quite normal." He smiled softly, looking back up at me. I could just barely fit through the ceiling walls, and halls. I didn't bash my head off anything, unless I jumped. Though I hoped that wouldn't happen, in hopes to keep my head. 'Aww..!! he actually is kinda...cute. Well *cough* In a nice way.' I told myself.

"And here we are, use soap,or oils you would like." "Thank You." I replied. "Ahh is there anything you would like? to eat or drink." He turned back just as he was about to leave. I thought for a moment, I didn't want to be rude, but...I was STARVING!

Smiling innocently, but keeping my animal hunting food mode in control I replied. "T-tea would be nice. It doesn't matter what kind, maybe something sweet. soup, or fish usually." I tried to give him a idea to go on. "Right..!" He turns away." I'll get right on it." With that he left to this kitchen.

*Click* I shut the door to the bathroom. 'W-wow... that was easier than I thought.' I thought he was going to kick me out in anger.

As I was in the bath, Bilbo's heart was still pounding like mad from the scare he had earlier. Alarming him from me suddenly sitting up glaring at him with sharp eyes, until I snapped out of it.

I just stepped out from the bathroom, my hair towel dried to perfection. I finally felt refreshed, but sadly the only clothes I had was my torn battered ones and the emerald cloak. With my hair down I slowly... tip toed down the halls.

Only to freeze up in my tracks at another voice that did not sound like Bilbo's.

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