Unexpected Land Part 3

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It more like he? seemed to be looking back at me from where I stood in the crowd of dwarves. I stuck out like a sore thumb, being the only tall figure at the moment. While Gandalf stood outside of it all. It was like a shock of electricity. Emerald eyes seemed to land on mine that sat high up on the horse not too far ahead of my form.

{'WAAAAAHHHH!!!!!' I could hear the screams of my own voice in my head.}

{My eyes only to lock with emerald ones, the face looked so apologetic. It seemed to be a man, with beautiful brown hair a doll like face.

'Mh!' I shake my head, making my hair slash whoever was behind me a bit. Trying to push the horrifying vision out of my head. 'That ended...a while ago..., what has happened was over....' I tried to calm myself down, remembering what Fili told me earlier.

Still this figure seemed to be looking at me, I stepped back a bit trying to sink into the group.Sadly I had no hope of hiding myself among them. Watching as a tall brunette man dismounted his horse, long brunette hair swaying as his tiara gleamed in the sunlight. His welcoming deep blue eyes looking back at us. Till he greeted Gandalf next to us.


"Lord Elrond."

{Elvish}"My friend! Where have you been?" Gandalf spoke once again in that language I did not understand.

' Say what..????' I blinked trying to make sense of it.

Giving each other a small hug of greeted, they backed up once again. While Thorin's eyebrow twitched at this.

{Elvish} "We've been hunting a pack of Orcs that came up from the South. We slew a number near the Hidden Pass."

'Oh Just great..!' I sighed to myself realizing I still had no clue on what was going on. It interested me to no end to know what they were saying.

Then it happened. The else of the one called Elrond locked with mine as well, as he turned on his heel a bit. I could see something light up on his face.

*Thump thump* My heart began to race once again. The brothers took note of this, seeing my hand grip the back of my clothes. Knowing staying quiet was the best thing to do at the moment, they ad no choice but to watch...in silence, wishing they could help calm my nerves. Still the feeling on the back of my collar did not leave.....

"Strange for orcs to come so close to our borders. Something or someone has drawn them near." The man spoke, but wait a second.

Something clicked in me that moment.

'T-this man....and....the rest...are no...human are they...?' I trailed off, while those....deep...blue crystal eyes watched me. He was thinking something. Or was he looking at me at all?

"Ah, that may of been us..." Gandalf spread out one arm signaling to us.

I avert my eyes..., I couldn't look back up. He wasn't human...those ears....it just couldn't of been. I felt chills run down my spine. I realized something that moment, that this...was the place I fell from I was sure of it. When Gandalf called him Lord, I knew this couldn't get any worse. I was mentally scolding myself. 'Stupid!...so stupid! w-why....why did I do that?!' I yelled at myself, while keeping a blank face.

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