Memories Part 5

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I sat there quietly munching on small portions of food. While these two mysterious ones stood on each side of me. Blocking oncoming food.

As I was chewing on a small piece of bread. Something caught me from the corner of my eyes. The slightest point on Kili's ears made me wonder. It was soo hard to notice, but they still look much different than Bilbo's. This was new, from other side of my eyes I looked to see Fili's ear basically hidden below his long golden locks, that had two long braids on each side of his head. Both of them looked like human ears, but larger.

Only for a moment Kili turned his head, when a glimpse of a slight tainted silver gleam hit my eyes from the top of his head. It was a beautiful hair clip with a pattern on it that resembled what was on the brown part of his vest, nicely holding back part of his hair while keeping his bangs out around his hair. He had no braids at all unlike Fili. A slight smile came to my lips, as I looked back down to my plate.

It was almost empty. 'Huh.....I could use some soup.' But sadly by looks of this table, soup was the last thing I could see that survived. My feet could feel the cool air under the table, sending a light chill to me.

"So...tell me, what is your name?" A whispered came next to my ear. I looked up from the corner of my eyes. Finding out that Kili was the one calling out me. However, he and the other were looking out across the table. While I see Fili's hand clamp down on a loaf of bread flying at us. Throwing it across the room. But both of them listened nonetheless. 


"That's a nice name. I'm Kili, and that's Fili my brother."

"Hello." Fili spoke from my right.

"I ..ah know....I heard when you came." I whispered. "I see." Kili spoke looking slightly back at me. "Why is it you are here in Mr. Baggin's house? You don't seem like a dwarf." "That is true..." Ads Fili kindly.

'Oh, so their Dwarfs.....' I nod to myself.

"....well... Bilbo found me near his house. I'm visiting if you could say that. I'm...human." "Are you joining the company?" Fili spoke up.

"..w-well....I never knew there was such a thing." I looked at the table. "I need to leave his house tonight anyway."

"L-leave? why?" The two looked in me in shock. "Where will you go?" the blonde asks kindly.

"I don't know......"

The two stopped, and looked at each other over my slumped form. Something was off , and they could tell. "...about two days ago...I found myself near a forest....I havn't got the slightest idea why I was there." I began. For some reason I could tell I could trust these two. It just began coming out naturally. The two listened quietly.

" I walked up to this area. Falling asleep on a bench, only to find myself...inside this home..." I trailed off.

" have no..where to go..." Kili's words sounded sympathetic. "...why don't you come with us? Y-es that's an idea." Kili nods with a smile on his lips, only for it to drop seeing that my blank smile less face still there. "Kili...! we don't know if Uncle will even let us."

"But it's a great idea...! she doesn't have a home like us."

"Ha.....* Fili breaths out* you are right...." Suddenly a warm hand came down on my shoulder. Making me look up

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