Learning With A Open Heart Part 2

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I awoke to something strange that early morning. "W-what.....?" I hissed at the feeling of being pushed.

It suddenly stopped, making my mind think I could slump back peacefully. "...mh....." There is was again. A slight nudge this time. It was starting to bother me. "..u-ugh.....b...u...g.....off............" I mumbled.

"C...an..nn't...yo...u see...I'm sleeping..........." I said with cold stern words. The figured stopped in surprise.

"Ha...this is harder...than I thought." A faint voice spoke.

Just like that I dozed right back to sleep. Making the one standing in the room gasp. "Oh, no you don't..!"

Those words were strong, making my mind open up suddenly from my dream world of a soft bed I haven't had since I came here. Something shook my shoulders again.

"Come on please....! wake up." A slight whisper came. I suddenly flung my hand up trying to swat the figure away. "Ah...!!" *Thud!* Suddenly came to my ears. I snapped my eyes open, only to see one shocked looking dwarf standing there next to the wall gripping it.

"Haha, nice one brother." A chuckle came from the outside of the room. A crossed armed Fili came inside with a playful smirk on his face. It entertained him seeing his brother suffer a bit in trying to wake me up. "...it's not my fault...." Trailed off Kili.

"UUrgh.....!" I groaned making the two step back in shock at my outburst. "Something the matter?" Kili blinked with his brother. "M-..my head hurts....." As I wiggled in the bed. It wasn't really their thought, but it was from all the shouting, and singing last night. "Well that is not good! I'll go get something for it. Thorin wants us to leave soon." Kili jumped to his feet, and began to speed walk out of the room.

"Wait...! no it's fine. I'll live." I didn't want to be a bother. He popped his head back. "Are you sure??" His face looking innocent.


"We will meet you outside. I'll tell Thorin you are coming." Fili said kindly, as he left with his brother. I still didn't know much about these guys, except their quest, and being a dwarf.

I slowly slid out of the bed. "Bye the only soft bed...I have touched here." It felt stupid, and right at the same time to say such words. Looking at my still bandaged feet I left, grabbing my cloak on my way out, I slung it over my shoulders and doing up the single button.

I couldn't help wonder if Bilbo was really going to join us. "Thanks Bilbo..., for everything." I whispered while shutting the door behind me. Only to be greeted by a group of dwarves, and a stern looking Thorin who seemed a little annoyed.

'Ah...yeah...don't upset him.' I took a mental note.

With my eyes I looked at all of their faces. They looked hell bent on this. Even the weapons this bunch had carried said they were ready to fight for their right, my eyes especially landed on the many blades, and daggers Fili had hidden in his leather arm straps. Then another large sword on his back. God know's how many more he had hidden under his jacket. He seemed like a sword master nonetheless. Kili also had a bow, and arrows on his back along with a really nice looking sword.

I made my way over to them as the morning sun began beaming down at us. I had to shut my eyes for a moment as it was too bright for me still.

"Let's go!" Thorin ordered. "Get on your pony, and don't fall behind." His eyes seemed to land on me. He was testing me....to see if I got what it takes. Swallowing down his stern look I watched as everyone mounted their ponies. It was actually cute seeing Thorin sit on a innocent pony, making his features soften and look more gentle.

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