Lighting A Fire Part 1

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"I hope it doesn't rain tomorrow. Yeah sure...." 

"Hheh what?" Questioned Kili in front of me. I never replied to him really, but I wished I was wrong. We were getting drenched ones again. I still had no hood, and I was getting soaked once again. Well Bilbo didn't have a hood either, the poor hobbit was just as unhappy as me. "Ugh.....I hate...rain..." I groaned into my cloak feeling the water go right down my shirt.

Even Gandalf's massive pointy hat was enough to keep the rain off him. What was worse, was that it was sunny! " It should've just stayed sunny." I sing songed. No matter how much they wished the same, and could do nothing about it. The brothers thought the exact same thing.

"Ah, Mr. Gandalf can you do something about this deluge?" Dori looked up at the wizard, a bit annoyed with all the down pouring rain.

"It is raining master Dwarf, and it will continued to rain until the rain is done." The wizard slightly rolled his eyes in the end.

"Pfft...!" I let out a small grin on the back of the pony. It really was entertaining to hear his reply to the Dwarf. The brother princes turn their heads to glance at me in amusement. "Well you happy."

I lifts my arms up slightly shaking the water off my sleeves, trying to not spook the pony. Sopping wet clothes made me feel so gross, and out of place. I wished to just ring them out. My feet were feeling much better, I could walk if we had to. "What can you do?"

"That's true." Sighed Fili. Water trickled down his braided mustache. It wasn't the most pleasant thing on the planet, while he also had beads of metal hanging of them, the rain made it quite heavy. 'Ooo....r-right...' I glanced at his golden locks. Must be painful. I tilted part of my body out to the side. Seeing Bilbo hang his head a bit. The hobbit was drenched, he had no hood also. So water just ran down his soaked curly hair.

"Are there any?" He asks. "What?" Questions Gandalf. "Other wizards."

My eyes widen at his words. There were five of them. For some reason I felt like there would be more of them. Five did not seemed like a big number at all.

Gandalf: "That would be Radagast the brown. He's a gentle soul, that prefers the company of animals." Suddenly this didn't sound so crazy to me. Funny how I could overheard them over this rain storm. I personally loved animals, especially horses, and cats. I didn't know since when this started that I liked them .It was just usually there. This might of sounded crazy, I liked the odd wolf here, and there in the distance. I found them very beautiful at times. Even though they stuck terror in the hearts of most living beings, since they could eat you.

Not long after than we exited the forest, and the rain finally stopped. A open field that shone of golden colors, and flowers came to my eyes. It was getting suddenly really warm outside. I could feel the water sucked dry out of my clothes, and hair. My eyes sparkled at the area. That was until something came to me.

'I was, in a field like this before...' I breathed out. It was when I almost drowned near a waterfall, where I fell down to my near death experience. I was thirsty, so I pulled over to take a drink of water.

Getting scared by the sudden rush of footsteps, and hooves of horses. I slipped, and fell down over the edge of the cliff.

I could still feel myself gasping for air. My heart pulsing hard at me waking up the edge of the water. When I came out of the forest, I saw a field like this.

Chills hit me, as I remembered being soaked tired, coming to the edge of a large forest. "!!!!"


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