Learning With A Open Heart Part 1

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"What is this?"

"..uh...." I blinked at the blonde's words. 'Oh no..!' He noticed. 

I looked up at those soft blue eyes. They had questions, and concern in them, just as much as the deep hazel hues.

"Tell me _______, why is it that you....have no shoes?" Kili asked....carefully, as if not to scare me away. He was also know kneeling down to my height on the sofa.., still keeping his distance as I sat there lost for words. Fili was not too far behind his brother, while Thorin was still standing in the room by the fire in silence. The other dwarves have already headed to rest for the night, as the day will start early for us.

"......I lost them.." I replied honestly. Kili's eyes gaze dropped to the ground, in a apologetic way. "I..see." While the two tried to figure out what else to say. I had my feet slammed down to the ground, so they wouldn't see the bottom. I had a feeling by the pain of standing on them. It was...troublesome. I did not want to cause Thorin, and the others problems. They let me come then, a chance to start my new life.

Kili didn't move his hands, he only stood by thinking.

"Dose...it hurt?" He spoke softly. What was I going to say? yes, and cause trouble, or no and have problems come up later on.

Either way was going to be bad. 'Tch.....,w-what...do I do...?'

Kili looked to the side at his brother. The blonde only nods, as he began walking closer. Taking a seat on a chair near us, while the other still keeled on the ground by my form. " I...imagine it to be easy, to walk with nothing on one's feet. .....here..." I shot back i slight surprise, suddenly seeing Kili take wraps of fabric bandage out of his pocket, and even Fili did so.

"I know, it isn't much, but please...take it." He held it up to me. "That is why I am also. To make up also for the missing." Fili ads. Also holding out the fabric to me. "Until...we can find something proper....."

I felt a calm warm feeling wash over me, as these two held the cloth out to me gently with their large strong hands. Like knights.

I nod slowly." T-thank you...Kili, and Fili." I take it from them, holding it in my grasp.

"At your service _____." They said in perfect unison. In the background I could see Thorin's sharp eyes looking back at us, and slowly began to leave the room. I knew from the bath I had, I shouldn't have rocks lodged into my foot anymore, but cuts were easily still there.

" I should go to sleep. Will I see you in the morning?" I looked at both of them. "Yes, of course. Goodnight." They greeted, as I stood up, making my way over to my temporary bedroom.' I hope Bilbo will come too.' I told myself as I walked trying not to wince at the sharp pain in my feet. Just as my figure vanished the two dwarven brother's looked at each other.

"She's...trying so hard....not to limp." Stated Kili. " I know brother, I can see it in her eyes." There wasn't much they could do, since I didn't trust anyone really much yet. Not even them. The two sighed as they slowly began to leave.


I was in the extra bedroom given to me by Bilbo himself. He greeted me a goodnight as I just happened to pass by where he was resting. Telling me that I didn't have to leave, if I didn't want to. I could stay, and live with him till I found a family or a better place than what he could offer.

"Ha..." I slumped down on my bed, setting the bandages to the side, I lifted up my one foot, turning it slightly as I looked down. There it was, just like I thoughts. A few grass cuts, and scrapes. There wasn't a gash anywhere, but it still hurt to walk. The other foot was just as bad, but luckily there was no blood. I grabbed the bandage Kili gave me, and wrapping around my right foot starting at the base of my foot making it's way up to midway of my leg. After tying it off, my foot looked like It had boots on it, made of bandage wrap. The wrap was something of a higher quality. It was soo soft......, I personally liked the feeling of it on my skin. It made me feel a little bit more safe.I set the green cloak down on the mini chair.

"Funny...how a simple bandage could make you feel better." I whispered to myself. I leaned back, and slid under the covers, closing my eyes I fell asleep peacefully. I was dead tired, but sadly I knew this night I wouldn't sleep much. Just before I fell asleep, my mind played the details I saw of the two brother's hair.

Fili with two long thin golden braids. With a silver bead in each that glinted in the moon, and sunlight. He had a thicker braid at the back followed by two clips, some what like Kili's, one on the top, and one near the bottom of the braid.

Kili's was simple, but still beautiful. The single silver clip at the back, added a nice touch to him. 'I wish I could of told them.., I liked it.'

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