Lighting A Fire Part 2

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{That Night}

'Nope, no way.'

*looks back at it again*


*Walks right by* 'NEVER!!' "Ah lass?" "Huh?" I blink seeing Bofur holding a bowel up to me.

"Here is your food. I hope you like it." *Looks back down at it* There was no way I was going to eat that. I felt bad, but I really....hasn't't hungry for....

"I'm alright, not hungry so you can eat mine." I smiled walking by, leaving Bofur looking at me, then back at the dish. "B-but lass..!? You haven't-"

His voiced passed right over my head. I had my reasons, and I think I made the right choice, even on their side.

'What's this???' Bilbo blinks seeing me pass by as well. With no food in my hands. Usually I'd eat it without a sound. Not saying if it was good, or bad.

Kili, and Fili were sitting on the ground sipping, and munching on their stew. Till I pass right by them . "H-uh....???" Blinked the brunette.

*Smack* Kili shoved the side of his brother's head, almost making him choke on his food. "*cough!* Kili...!?" He glared at his brother.

"Do you see what I see?" Ignoring his brother's angry glare. "What are you going on about??" The blonde blinked. Kili holds up finger, pointing in my direction. "That."

Following his brother's line of sight, Fili just sees me sit down on a large rock, that let my legs hang in the air, with no bowel in my hand.

"She has no food with her."

"She never says no to food." Stated Fili, who was also confused. " I wonder why that is....?" " I'm going to go see." Kili jumped up to his feet, looking down at his bowel, then back up the path that led to me.

"Good evening." Greeting the dwarf prince. "Hello, Kili." I smiled swinging my legs from above, while he looked back up at me.

"Something wrong?" I looked at Kili. "Noo.." He replied quietly, still trying to figure out how to approach me. "Ah, did you eat already?"

"I'm not that hungry." I replied looking out at the stars." The stars are so bright today."

"Hmmmm...." Kili sighed. "Yes, yes they are." He agreed, hopping something will come of this still. "If you're tired, I can go get you some a well? if you like."

"No, it's fine. I'm not hungry enough yet." I smiled innocently. He really was trying, and it was starting to get annoying, but It was funny at the same time. "Hm, I see. Is it not to your liking?" He tried again. 'Why won't she eat?' He knows I haven't eaten for hours now, because we even shared the same pony on the ride here.

Fili watched from the distance. It even made him puzzled on why the hell I wasn't eating.

The truth was I couldn't eat another piece of meat, let alone a poor rabbit. It made me feel sick to my stomach just thinking about it. I know the others tried so hard to hunt for food, but all I could do was stand by, and silently cry... for the life of the rabbit.

"Are you sure?" Suddenly Kili popped up next to me on the rock. While beaming happily. He really wasn't giving in. "It's alright really, you deserve to eat just like all of us." I looked down at the bowel where the rabbit meat swam. I felt tears began to pile up in my eyes. I averted my eyes quickly swallowing down my tears.

Heart Of A Dragon Reader X Kili X Fili X Legolas, Aragorn, Hobbits,Where stories live. Discover now