Unexpected Land Part 5

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It was like a cold chill down my spine. My blood froze in my veins the second I heard the knock on the bedroom door.

"Lady _______, I have brought the bandages, and healing ointments." The familiar voice called once again. 'Oh! maybe he doesn't know.' Grining as a tried to play this off. I tried my best to sound normal.

"Ah yes!" I replied through the door. Though I wasn't 100% who it was on the other side. I assumed it was a elf guard, or someone who served close under Elrond.

"I'm going to come in then to give you them." I could see the doorknob suddenly begin to move.

'! AH no!.'

'No!' The man froze, along with the door. As I began to panic. "Pardon....??" the elf questioned. "One moment please, please. I'll tell you when you can come in." By then the elf stood there in shock. Images, ideas running in his mind, on what the hell he almost just walked into.

*Cough* " Is something the matter??"

I began to tiptoe into the bathroom, pretending I wasn't trying to run away. "Oh, no. I'm perfectly fine."

"💦I- see......" The elf replied confused, looking down at the bandages in his hands. "Surely you're wounds need treating still. So I still have them here with me as we speak." He tried say once again, not believing I have healed in such a short time.

'YEESS!!!' I closed the door softly, as I trapped myself in the bathroom. Only to poke my head out of the door. "Ah yes, you may come in now. Please just set them on the chair, or bed."

I closed the door. Hearing the elf speak once again. "Sorry for the intrusion.........."He slowly walked in, looking around the room. Seeing nothing was out of place, until he looked at the ground. "!!....ah....it isn't my place to say..., are you quite alright then? Do you need a maid by chance to help dress your wounds."

"Oh no..! I'm fine. It's not that bad. Haha." I tried to joke. The elf only cringed seeing the crimson blood staining the floor. His eyes seeing the trail of drops leading up to the bathroom.

" I have placed them on the bed as requested. Is there something else you will need?" To his chance of living in this room, and getting out from not getting yelled out was slim to him. He began to panic, a bit seeing as he walked in on me at the wrong time. It took all he had to swallow the embarrassment down.

I paused for a moment.' Perfect...' I smirked to myself. I leaned myself close to the door as possible. "Ah y-yes there is actually." This made him stand up straight. His pointed elf ears twitching at my words.

"I seemed to have dropped my.. clothing into the water by accident. By any chance is there a way I could get something else to wear till mine dries?"

The elf's eyes widen at this. 'C-could that have been..??' He thought for a moment. Still not being able to piece everything together.

"If that's alright, that is. Or...if you are busy at the moment. You could ask...a friend of mine, I'm sure they wouldn't mind to help out."

"T-that isn't a problem. I will get right on it, to have new garments get delivered to you. Please excuse me." With that the elf left without a word. While a light touch of heat showed on his cheeks. Swallowing down the events, he went to work.

Little did I know that the elf that came was Lindir as well. He heard the shout come from my window along with Elrond. Still the voice that shook the halls of Elrond didn't sound that same as mine right now. It puzzled the elf.

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