Unexpected Land Part 6

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When I walked out that door. I knew that something was going to happen. However, I had no idea...that what was going to happen would really be this....interesting.

*Tap...tap...tap..* I began to walk down the halls. In the distance I could hear many different voices. Laughing, whispered,and even soft music playing.

"....t-this..is...gonna be weird....." I could my heart begin to pound harder that closer I got to the sound. No matter how much I tried to stop my body from shaking, and my hands being worse. It only ate my nerves more knowing I was gonna face everyone now.

My new boots helped greatly in walking, along with the ointment that I put on it. It was almost completely healed. I felt much lighter on my feet, giving me a slight spring to my steps.


"!!" My eyes widen in shock, hearing the sound of footsteps near me. Alarmed I turned on my hell glaring at the one behind. My eyes sharp.

"Forgive me." To my surprise another elf spoke from behind me. He held up one hand in surrender. "My lady, are you by chance lost?" He spoke in a soft kind voice, trying to not scare me. He did not move, as my eyes still glared at him dangerously. It took me a moment to realize what was going on. I swallowed trying to calm myself. This elf looked like another one of those guards. Waist long brunette hair, and...'E-emerald eyes...?'

I felt a sting of pain hit my head suddenly. Biting my tongue I tried to keep myself steady, and calm. I didn't want to seem weak. I knew this elf, by face anyway. He was the one I saw during my fall, the fall off the waterfall. How I could forget him was beyond me. However, he seemed to not remember who I was. It must of been my new look. I didn't seem to tattered, and torn now. I tried to use as much of essential oils to hide the stress marks under my eyes.

"Miss..??" His calm voice called out to me. Still he did not move from his place. I shake my head. "Ah, I wouldn't call myself lost. I just haven't been this way before."

A slight smile came to his face." I see, you must be with the other guests of Elrond. Would you like me to help you find your way?"

"It would help, but.. if you are on duty I don't want to be a bother."

He shook his locks."No, of course not. Where is it you are trying to go to?" He tilted his head. I looked note of a mini tiara on his head as well. On it was a little emerald gem embedded in it.

"My friends told me there will be a meal soon. I would like to go there."

"That will be this way. Follow me please." He held a arm out to the left pointing in the direction.

'This man..., elf...is taller than me....' I thought. I didn't want to stare, but I wanted to see who he was. The one that tried to save me that day, but failed. It some what hurt...., knowing that he had to see that.

"What is your name?" He asked with his eyes facing forward.

"It's ______."

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