Unexpected Land Part 2

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🌹A arrows to the head stuck it down, causing me to tumble, and roll headfirst down into the cave. Along with my bow, single arrow, and a dagger.  

*Thud!* My finger suddenly came crashing, and rolling down the slope. *C-ching!* Metal glided across the stone ground. As the eyes of the ones inside widen in shock. The sound of hooves vanished within seconds of my fall.

"💨Ha! it's the lass!" Balin gasped. While the other's stepped back for my safety so I wouldn't hit my head.

"Woah!!" Gasped another. I took some time to register what was going on, as my heart pounded inside me like mad.

"_____!!!!" Kili ran to my side with his brother.

Thorin who stood there in shock, looking down at my collapsed form. Ori picking up the dagger that had rolled in with me.

I didn't reply, I had my eyes shut trying to catch my breath. I couldn't speak yet. Placing his hands under my flipped over body. I could feel myself get rolled over. 'Oh, now I;m facing the ceiling...great...' I told myself, but still being too tired to move, I rested there a bit longer.

"Are you alright?!______." Kili called to me, panic hit him more, as I didn't move. "Does she have a pulse???!" Gandalf came up to them. In less than two seconds Fili set his ear down against my chest. His eyes widen in shock.

"S-so? does she!?" Thorin made them jump at this. The blonde pulled back in shock. "Actually, her heart is beating hard, and strong."

"💨OH good......." A big sigh came from everyone else. "T-then why isn't she replying???" Kili couldn't believe it, my heart was pounding hard, and strong, but haven't move since I tumbled.

"Most definitely tired from what she has been through." Replied the wizard gently, trying to calm down the dwarf prince. "Judging by this arrow, i'd say that is true." Fili picked up my single arrow.

"This is the only one." He held it in his palm. "Used up all of them to get out.....alive."Thorin looked to my tired figure. As I lay there in Kili's lap, my thoughts became collected, I starting twitching my leg. "M....mmmmmm......." I blinked my sleepy eyes. The other flashing me a sharp look, as I began to turn. But Kili held me in place, just in case.

"W-...well.....this is.....interesting..." I mumble.

"_____!!!!" Kili looked at me with pure joy. His brown hair fell over his face, now was only inches from mine. "Oh...., Hello Kili, guys." I said, this made Thorin shake his head a bit in question. "Using strange words I see." He stepped up. "Tell me...., why didn't you run when I said so?" His gaze was sharp.

I slowly began sitting up, which gave Kili no choice but to adjust his position as well. Even though he thought it wasn't good to do soo.

"I did it to keep the others outside of the cave have a chance. You...had to survive. I know it was stupid, reckless, and I was a idiot to do so. But...." I looked up at Thorin, and Fili who was looking back down at me. " I didn't want to see you hurt. You have to live on for the quest."

A pang of pain hit Thorin just as I said that, shifting in place. He swallowed. " You're effort was valued today, but do not do that again, understand, DO Not Go on It alone. We- need another bowman.....women..." Thorin stuttered the last word. His words were harsh, yet kind in a way. 'Maybe I misunderstood him?'

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