Unexpected Land Part 1

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There it was again, a bone chilling howl. As if it came from a wolf cross breed.

"Was that a wolf? Are there wolves out there?" Bilbo stuttered, as I looked around with wide eyes, looking at every little corner of this forest. Something ate me, this was bad.

"S-something isn't right." "I agree....." Kili looked around in worry, and stress. His arm held back pulling out his bow slowly, along with a arrow. I gazed over to Fili who began pulling out his sword as well.

" Wolves,n-no... that is not a wolf." Bofur said in a concerned tone.

"_____." Great...

"______...!" A louder whisper came from next to me, shaking me of of my deep thoughts. I looked up at Fili. "No matter what, I want you to stay near either me or my brother. Alright? If you find yourself lost,and in need of assistance come to one of us." His ocean blue eyes looked at me deeply, making me swear to him that I will call out to them if I shall need it. I turned my head to Kili, who heard this too. He also gave me that same look. Asking me to 'Trust us.'

"Understood." I replied

Just as I said that a loud snapping sound came from right above where I was. "GGRR!!!!" "WOAH!!" All of eyes snapped to the sudden figure flying right in my direction.

Thinking fast I threw myself to the ground, as this massive dark figure came flying right over my head. *THUD!**CHING!* A suddenly quick deadly blow came by Thorin, slamming the creature into the earth.

I didn't have my bow out well enough, for it was getting suck. No matter how hard I pulled I couldn't get it off!

*Click ...click!* 'C-come you peice of crap! h-hurry! before!!!' I began to breath hard, seeing the thing dead just a few steps ahead me. I could see a light patch of crimson began trickling out from under it.

I yanked hard at my bow. When another growl came from just front of me, and it was very close to me. "G-grrr!!!" It suddenly lunged at me, a huge wolf dog that, basically the size of a pony bearing it's teeth. "!!!" My eyes widen in horror, as I couldn't even pull out my bow.

When a sudden nudged came from my side, pushing me over to the right. "W-wah..! " I tripped to the side at the force, when a arrow suddenly goes flying only inches away from my face. Naling the thing in the side. A suddenly breeze of wind even flew my hair into my eyes, and mouth.

"Gggr!!" It suddenly came tumbling down the hill. *THUD!* The other dwarves stabbed it only a second after, making it fall dead at my feet.

"W-what was that??" I could feel my legs shake. Standing myself up a familiar voice spoke from next to me. "Forgive me, that was the only way."

"Ah... Kili." I breathed out."It's fine." I replied trying to hide my emotions. "Are you alright?" The young prince whispered to me, while scanning me.

"Yes." I replied like it was nothing. Seeing his bow in hand still, gripping it tight to his side. With his two two finger dark gloves. Frowning at my words, it didn't sound like me.

Heart Of A Dragon Reader X Kili X Fili X Legolas, Aragorn, Hobbits,Where stories live. Discover now