🌺Unexpected Land Part 8 Final🌷

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"Mh..?" He mumbled trying to adjust my hair still. ".......you said...you found me.......how...?" Remembering how I was hiding from them in the flowers. Shifting his hand with my one lock of hair between his fingers, Kili looked up to the side for a moment.


The Dwarven princes just took their last step off the silver stairway.

Tilting his head a bit to Fili, the other brother spoke. "Do you think we are getting closer...?"

His saddened face leaving a sting in his older brother's chest.

'I swear on my life, we will!' Thought the blonde prince, but no matter how much he wanted to say it.

He didn't want to give his poor brother false hope.

"...I-I don't know...Kili...." Sighed Fili, giving his brother a sympathetic look.

They began entering the mini forest stone path. Their large leather boots, tapping on the ground.

Their shoulders slumped a bit. However, Kili did not give up hope yet. His eyes flashed a burning passion, no matter how his words came out.

Kili paused for a moment in his steps, looking up towards the top of a tree. His mind filling in the missing blank, thinking he could see my form up there watching them. However, the second he blinked I was gone. Fili peard to look at his younger brother's face.

'..I'm worried...as well..'

"I...had...no idea..." Trailed off Kili.

"I know......don't hurt yourself over it...." Fili's voice was calm, but sad. Setting a kind brother arm across Kili's shoulder, as they stood now next to the bushes where I lay.

'None of us did...'

"Yet......I feel like, it was my fault..." Paused the young archer, seeing the birds chirp high in the trees.

'She would of..like that...' He thought. Feeling his stomach drop.

"W-wah...why...?" Kili's voice sounded shocked.

"I could of...said something...., stopped her...before she ran out. His eyes glistened with almost invisible tears as he replied to his brother. Tear held there, that never fell.

"But I didn't........I couldn't..."

"....it's not your fault........." Kili tried send a happy grin to his brother from the corner of his lips. They walked on, in hopes they will spot me. Their heart hung more the longer they were out.

It started becoming dark before they knew it.

"Still....we can't just leave her out here. It's going to get dark soon. It will be cold, and dark......."

Kili started to panic a bit, they crossed the same area many times. But still had no luck.

Kili's sweet chocolate colored eyes glistened back his brother.

Stricken with pain on his face, Fili had to avert his eyes a bit.

"....the sun will be down soon enough....." Fili froze in place, his eyes searching the area like the warrior he was. The way Thorin told him when he was a child. Looking for any clue they could see.

Heart Of A Dragon Reader X Kili X Fili X Legolas, Aragorn, Hobbits,Where stories live. Discover now