Memories Part 4

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I froze up in place.

I could hear a low voice whisper come from the kitchen.

"Very good this, anymore?"

'M-more?? more of what.' I blinked, slowly making my way up the halls. Keeping my footsteps light.

I could hear a light whisper of a voice, not really able to make out all of it. Till something made my heart jump. *Ding!*

"That will be the door." That same loud monotone voice spoke again. '!!Eeek!!' I stepped back quickly pulling myself behind a wall hiding in the hall away from the door. So if anyone was to pass by I could see them. I tilted my head like a innocent cat. 'I thought he said, he rarely has company over???'

"Balin, at your service."

'W-what the?? Balin???' I blinked, while I had my hands placed on the wall peaking over.

"Good Evening." Stated Bildo blanky. "Yes, yes it is. Though I think it will rain." And just like that this man like figure came trotting down the hall. Me catching a glimpse of his silver hair. and long...beard.

'Wha?what the????' I could see Bilbo speed walking after him. He looked so panicked, and lost. While I stood by watching his misery. "........." I felt bad, but I didn't what was the best time to show up, I was shy...when it came to this stuff. 'S-sorry man, but I need to wait...' I stood by. Hearing talks of food.

Then my mind, and the sound in the house went dead quiet. "Apology accepted." It was the other strange new voice, it wasn't as low, as the other.

'???? Apology..??' I blink, slowly.. taking a few steps forward.


'A-again..!?!?!' This was getting kind interesting. Bilbo suddenly passed right by my line of sight, heading to the door with his fist gripped, and a blank annoyed face. 'T-the hell is going on..?' I began to follow like the curious person I was. I now stood behind the wall with my head poking out facing the main door, Bildo just had grabbed the handle, and began to swing it open.

Bilbo let out a sigh. While I tip toed down a closer hall where I could see the faces of the ones standing on the other side. My eyes widen in shock, as I now see two more new guys standing at the door smiling so innocently.


"And Kili."

"At Your Service." They said in perfect unison, bowing their heads like they were knights or something.

I felt my heart jump at this. As I watched in the shadow.

"You must be Mr, Baggins!"

And just like that. "No! You can't come in. You've come to the wrong house." Bilbo began shutting the door in their faces. I felt a pang inside me come. As if I suddenly felt ashamed, and bad for their strangers. The brunette, and blonde looked at the hobbit in surprise, and worry.

Suddenly the one name Kili grabbed the door, pulling it back open. "Has it been canceled?" He looked so worried.

"No one told us." The blonde ads on looking Bilbo dead in the eyes.

Heart Of A Dragon Reader X Kili X Fili X Legolas, Aragorn, Hobbits,Where stories live. Discover now