Learning With A Open Heart Part 4 Final

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{"💨Ha*Kili let out a sigh*... I'm sorry_____, but this will hurt."}

Just like that a suddenly crash of pain pierced my leg. "Mh!!" I gasp in pain, making me kick my other leg out, almost nailing Kili in the face. He was lucky to only slide to the side.

"!! woah...that was close." "Guh..!" I winced again not being able to take Kili's playful voice. *Bang!* I slammed my back against the wall, as the rocks were slowly getting picked out of my foot. "Tch!" I gripped the dirt with my hand. Fili by now was looking at me in shock. It took all he had to hold my other leg down with his arm, by my knee. So I wouldn't knee his brother in the face.

"Tch...fft!" I winced still. "It's alright___, just please try not to damage my brother please." Fili tried his best to calm me down, but all I was squirm at the shooting pain.

"Fili can you please do something, she's moving too much. I can't get this last piece." My eyes grew wide, as my mind was raging with fire. It was driving me crazy. I bit my tongue in trying not to scream out, to save Thorin from a tumble down the ledge of the stone he still sat on. It was a race against time before the others would see.

Nodding the blonde brother gripped the collar of his jacket on me, pulling me down with all his power. "It's alright, calm down."

"Nggh...!" He was strong no doubt. His face was so close to me, ocean blue eyes gazed in my direction, as Kili slowly grabbed the other rock out of my leg. "Done..!" Suddenly letting go of my foot, dropping it back on his lap.

*Thump.* I fell back down against the cave. With Fili's hand gripping my shoulder, waiting for me to lash out again. "Ha......ha...." Sweat trickled down my face.

"You alright?" He called to me. "Y-yes..." "Well that's good, because the worst is done." A dull painful sting came to me. "Look, it isn't even that deep. It will heal in no time. " Kili tried to cheer me up, as he cleaned the wound putting some herbs on it that smelt like fresh mint for a moment.

"Tch....that hurt...like hell.." I hissed. Fili patted the top of my head, as he moved away a bit, while his brother finished up with wrapping. "Your fine now. Rest." Kili whisped his face, and forehead with his sleeve. Feeling a dull something on the side of his face. Touching it with his finger, he looked down. It wasn't a cut there was no blood. However, my nail managed to catch part of his face as I kicked. A light smirk playful smirk just came to to Kili's face seeing how lucky he was.

I slid off Fili's jacket, handing it back to him. "I'm fine now, please take it. My clothes are dry." I pushed it to him. Looking at it for a moment Fili felt bad, seeing my torn clothes, and bootless feet wrapped up. Sighing he put it back on himself, in thanks. Both knew they needed to find me something better to wear than those dirty clothes.

Just as soon as Fili sat up against the left side diagonally against the cave, me staying in the middle, and Kili facing front against the cave. Thorin's sharp blue eyes turned to look at us.

Like nothing just happened, we just sat there. Fili using his signature pipe, and his sword leaned against the cave next to him. Kili playing with the ground with his legs crossed.

A light playful smirk came to the two boy's faces as they looked at each other with a laugh. "Heh." Thorin just turned his head back with a roll of his eyes. 'Childish nephews.'

'W..ooooghhh.' A ominous voice came towards us, carried by the night breeze. "What's that?" Bilbo asks. I looked up as well. 'Wolf??' I blinked.

"Orcs." Kili stated, eyes looking serious, and wide. There wasn't a hint of playfulness in it. I tilted my head in question.

"Throat cutters, they'll be dozen's out there." Fili's words gave me, and Bilbo unwanted chills. These two didn't mind speaking their mind.

"Quick, and quiet, no screams, just lots of blood." I looked up at Kili's face with concern. 'Was he serious?'

"Te-hehe...." Just like that, the two burst into a giggle, Kili swaying his head to the side, while Fili smirked into his pipe.

"You Think That's Funny?" Thorin snapped.

A chill hit me again by his words. "......" I gripped my fist not really being amused by the joke. It worried me, they had no clue that I couldn't remember the last time I used a sword or bow. It scared me, knowing I might be cut down first.

"We didn't mean anything by it...." Kili trailed off with head head slung down.

"Of course not, you know nothing of the word." Hissed Thorin.

I brought my hands up slowly to my hair, wanting to comb it out with my fingers. There was nothing in my pockets to tied, or even hold part of my hair in place. It was longer than even Thorin's, but more like straight. No matter how it fell after washing it. Wind would always mess it up, putting strange indents in it.

Kili heard me sigh in annoyance, as he looked over seeing me try to make my hair look good again. "Want some help?" He offered to me. His brother only watching from the distance.

"I'm trying to..get some to stay. I gripped my hair twisting it, hoping it will stay. While keeping my bangs out to frame my face. The prince reached out gently placing his hands on my hand. " Here let me." Dropping my hands I waited. Fili watched from under his pip, seeing his younger brother brushing my hair out, and adjusting it. A slight smile came to his face.

I could feel my hair getting lifted, and getting held onto. My bangs stayed there untouched, as I el the rest get pulled back around the crown of my head. "There..!" Kili said happily, as he let go. " I hope you don't mind, that was all I had." He stated.

Reaching my hand back, it fell on a twine that was wrapped around the back of my hair. Holding the top of it back, while the rest down.

"Now she blends in even more." Fili smiled. "You could be my sister now that's for sure." Joked Kili. "You mean our." Stated the blonde.

"Thanks, Kili." I smiled a bit at him. I found out in the end that my hair was tied together at the back, just like Kili''s , but didn't hair a hair ornament in it. I was thankful for the help.

"Fili, Kili. Go tend to the horses." Barked Thorin.

"See you later." They patted my head, standing up wit annoyance while making their way to the ponies. Not long after the brothers left Bilbo asked about Thorin's past. I was stunned to hear what happened. 'Maybe... he isn't that bad? just like Fili said.' Still it was hard to swallow down his stern ordering look. I stayed quiet till Bilbo came waltzing up to me.


"Hi." I looked up with a reply. " I thought you'd be hungry." He held a bowel out to me. Thanking him I took it. I began to sip on the warm soup. It felt better, kicking the cold chilled feeling I had in me from being trapped in the rain earlier.

'W-ow... I almost forgot about that.' Finishing my food. I hear Balin calling to Bilbo in the distance. "Can you bring this to the lads?" With a nod Bildo grabbed the two bowels of soups, and brought it over to us, where Fili, Kili, and I sat.

"I hope.. It doesn't rain tomorrow...' I thought to myself.

Heart Of A Dragon Reader X Kili X Fili X Legolas, Aragorn, Hobbits,Where stories live. Discover now