Unexpected Land Part 7

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I bolted out of the area. Trying to find a place to clear my mind. * Tap Tap Tap TAP!!* I speed walked, and jogged in a direction opposite of the way I came from. Breathing hard, I ran as fast as I could go trying to not meet any other elf, or figure of the living.

'Why, why did that have to happen?' I breathed. Grabbing the pillar, and winging myself out to the side, still trying to gain distance. I had the feeling I was getting follow now. Knowing that there were a certain few who wouldn't let me leave so easy in such a state.

"C-come on just a little farther..." I whispered to myself. spotting a particular shady part with trees, and plants. It was a garden basically. Giving me the perfect chance to hide in there for a while.

"Ha....*thud...*t-this looks good..." I slid down onto the ground, in a corner that was far away from the steps, and be able to see anyone who came down it from the little crack in the bushes ahead of me. I was surrounded by flowers, and tall trees, with lower branches. While it was still sunny I took my chances here.

Brushing out my hair with my fingers, I sat there thinking on what to do next, depending on what the situation.

'..If they find me......'

My scenario ideas.. where.

'I'll go...only after I try to not go, giving them a hard time to come out.'

'If it was Thorin, I would stay hidden. I can't face him...'

If it was Elrond, and Lindir. I still wouldn't move, even if he talked to me through my mind.

If the brothers were to come.

I still wouldn't step out easy, I would sit there long enough, and watch them walk by, or anyone.

Listen in on what they are thinking.

If they were angry, I wouldn't flinch.

Giving them a harder time to find me, was mostly on my mind.

'S-still.....that all depends....what happens to me here....'

I crawled over to the little hole in the bushes, giving me the perfect view of the area above. I could see people, most likely elves walking around on the floors. That was until I saw Thorin leaned against the side of the railing looking down around with his head. I watched as the breeze blew his long raven hair. I couldn't tell what his facial expression was.But the way he looked around seemed like he was lost in a way.

In the distance farther away from Thorin, and higher up. I could see Bilbo leaning on a railing with Elrond next to him.

"......" I felt my lips twitch, seeing them get along. Feeling the light sting of the apple that hit me, I lift my hand up to it. "...still hurts...... a bit.."

Then again why wouldn't it? it was a apple that was thrown. Those things were really hard. I could feel a slight lump there, most likely a black bruise forming. "..tch.." I pulled on the collar of my new jacket, hiding it.

"Where.....o ..ou ink...?" A far away voice caught my ears.

"!!" My eyes snapped open, as I peaked out from the hole. Seeing the blonde brother walking down a fleet of steps from the second floor.

I could only catch bits of their words.

"....I...in't....n oo...." A low voice said once again. I wasn't sure whose voice it was, but it still made my heart flutter a bit.

I watched as Kili's older brother set his hand on his shoulder. Nodding at him before they started walking some steps that were getting closer to me!!!

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