Learning With A Open Heart Part 3

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Change Of Heart

Shorty after the flying pouches of money money stopped over head. A little squeak came from ahead me.

"Ach!....ah. horsehair, having a reaction." My ears caught up on Bilbo groaning, As he stuffed his hand into his pocket looking for something.

"Ah..wait stop!!"

"???huh." Everyone came to a sudden halt. Kili pulled the reins on the pony. I blinked in confusion, tilting my head at Fili. who rode only a but ahead of us. Sadly to his confusion he only shrugged back, asking the same thing as me.

"We have to turn around, I forgot my handkerchief." The hobbit had his hand raised to the air.

"Here! use this." *Riiip!* Bofur threw back a deep green cloth came flying towards Bilbo, that came somewhere from his trousers. At least..., that's what we thought. Holding it with only two fingers, giving it a light sniff to see if he could trust it. In the end Bilbo took what he had, but didn't really dare to use it from what it seemed.

"Hahaha." A few of the dwarves giggle at this, but me I held a sympathetic face to the little hobbit. I

"Moving on!" Thorin ahead of us ordered.

"Wow......." I gawked at the land ahead of us. It was so pretty. A little stream running next to us, with luscious green grass, that rabbits would surely be glad to eat. "Enjoying your time back there I see." Kili said from ahead of me. Fili was just behind us, as I turned around and waved at the guy. I felt bad for him as he was the last one now.

"Hi Fili...!" I waved at the blonde. His eyes flickered up to me while raising up a had to me from the reins, waving back at me. "Hello to you too." He smiled through it ocean blue eyes.

"Hey now, what are you doing back there?" "Eyes on the road Kili, I do not want to see us crashing into that stream next to us." Fili scolds him a bit, but a playful grin played on his face while he did. " I know alright." Sighed the other brother. The roads were long, and winding


*No reply*

"Kili??" I say again. The brunette said nothing, and continued to steer the pony. My eyes widen see a huge drop before is, a cliff that would surely kill us if we fell down from it. But noooo the pony just had to go straight. I couldn't tell where Thorin and the others vanished to, but they were not ahead of us anymore.

"Kili!!" I basically yell, while my heart pounded like mad. I began to panic. "The ledge! look out!"

"I can hear you loud and clear. Do not worry alright?"

'What the hell??' That wasn't a reply! I snapped my head. This dwarf was smirking at me, I knew it. There was no way he didn't know, he could tell I saw panicking. I suddenly reached out my hand to grab the rein that hung in his hand.


"Huh?" A hand was suddenly placed over mine.

"Ha...., look there is a path there on the side." He swayed his brown locks to the left, pointing down the pathway leading us out of the mini mountain.

"Like I said, there is no need to worry." His voice was soft, and gentle. The hand still placed on mine stayed there a bit longer.

Heart Of A Dragon Reader X Kili X Fili X Legolas, Aragorn, Hobbits,Where stories live. Discover now