Cold Hard Stone Part 6

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I wasn't sure how long I fell. Or if I was alive at this point.

"............" I found myself opening my eyes to a dimly lit place. My head pounded I found myself staring out into some place I have never been. I was still sleepy, but I felt more refreshed than most of the nights at camp with the snoring.

'U..h....when did I fall asleep?' I questioned, was it when I hit the ground or before. ' plan worked. I am free.' Well free of the hideous goblin. This place was better than there. Quiet..., still. No pounding music, the smell was much less, making it comfortable to sit here in this position. 'W-wait...what am I lying on..?' Looking down, I found myself in a patch of large mushrooms, surprisingly soft. It must have broken my fall as well, but also became my bed in the end. My bow was only a few inches from my hand, and the quiver still on my back. However.., sadly.... I only had 2 arrows left.

'G-great...only 2 arrows...' I sighed to myself. Standing up I didn't hear a sound. Ahead of me seemed to be a large pond. A light that came in from somewhere made it shine a deep crystal blue. It was interesting, but I had to find my way back.

'Exit..I need to find an exit.' I began to walk down a curving rocky path, while my eyes wide open to see if there was any movement. Feeling another slight sting.... on the top of my head. I reached over to the crown of my head, where the clip was. 'FFt...' I winced as I felt a small lump, pulling back my hand. I opened my palm to see small dots of blood. 'Uh...god...what else is wrong with me?' Ignoring the slight pain, I kept on walking, as I gripped my bow.

Till a distant voice was carried to my ears. "Oh d-do, do it again! ask us." A cheerful voice said in the distance. I stopped moving. My eyes wide searching for the strange voice, hoping to find a body. There it wa again that strange yet interesting broken speech. It did confuse me, at one time sounding threatening, the other playful as a hopeless child.

I found myself walking closer to the ledge on the water. Only to see in the distance. A familiar hobbit in his crimson jacket. 'OH YES! I found him.'

Seeing him never made me feel so alive. He must of fallen down that crazy drop like me. However, something was off. He seemed to be holding his mini sword out to something. It looked like a human figure, mixed with a hobbit, and a goblin. But wasn't even near as ugly as the ones above. Sure it looked skinny, and starving, at least it had no warts...and gross fat on it.

'Ha...' I sat down a nearby rock. Needing to rest my legs a bit. I didn't want to leave Bilbo behind, I felt like it was my job to bring him back with me. Or at least try to stay near by. I could imagine getting yelled out at Thorin for not helping him, even though I was in the same are.a

'Ha....w-why me....' I just came out of hell, now almost fell right back into it. Somewhere I sat wishing I could drink the water, but didn't trust it. I could see the part where the exit was. The stone path leading up to an even skinnier path, but then guessing it would lead us out.

'Wonder how you are up there.' I thought for a moment looking up into the dark world above. Zoned out a bit of their game, as I was lost in my thoughts. This cool cave drying and sweat I have collected on myself. Then again this elf clothing I wore was also made to keep you comfortable in most weather. It was light, stylish, but also easy to move in even if there was built in armor. If I was given any of the dwarf clothes, I wouldn't most likely the ground in it after a while. I wasn't strong like them to carry lots, especially with Fili who hand many weapons hidden below his jacket, and even boots.

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