Lighting A Fire Part 4 Final

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My senses started coming back to me, when I started feeling movement near by.

"Hey...., are you alright?" A voice called to me. 'W-wait... I was...tied...up...and..'

My eyes suddenly opened up, seeing Kili's face head on with mine, and Fili's just behind him searching my state. "Careful Kili, we don't know how badly injured she is." With arms holding onto my side, I was sat up. Kili was cutting the bind off from the sack, while Fili balanced me from behind. I bit my lip feeling the pain in my stomach as I bent.

"*Cough...!*" I let it out slowly. Making Kili freeze in place, looking back up at me, his almond eyes flooding with concern. "Did I hurt you?"

"N-no....don't be silly." I tried to sound normal, but I knew I couldn't fake it. Fili could tell by my posture just like anyone else. Some part of me did hurt.

"There..!" *Sip* With a last cut of a knife the bindings of the bag dropped to the floor. Having it slide down, showing me under it. "You did great back there, just hold still a little longer please." It wasn't a order, or a request by Fili. More of a plea telling me to not move because they were worried about further injuries.

Kili kneeled down to my right to balance me by my shoulders. While Fili focused on slowly cutting the ropes from my wrist ever so carefully.

"There....done." He slowly let my hands drop down to my side. The brunette prince looking at the side of my face with concern still in his eyes. I was pretty quiet, but who wouldn't be after that?

"Can you stand?" Kili asked. "I think so." "Here..." With that he stood up offering his hand. "Hm..., yet...I am...taller...." I whispered, as he slowly stood me up. "Yes, but you are not feeling well. It's only right." Kili smiled up at me. He never let go of my hand, to my surprise I saw him slowly turn my palm up. " I was right. The tree had done that." His eyes searched my hands. Little scrapes from gripping the tree hard while I was being yanked off from the tree by the troll.

"Stupid troll..." Kili hissed, then looked at his brother.

With a nod Fili spoke. "_____,* He said in a gentle tone* does anything feel out of place?" Offering to help, if something hurt, or I was pained.

I shifted for a moment, trying to figure out what to say. 'Kili here, still held my hands gently. So I wouldn't touch anything with them. Now Fili...was asking me...' I could feel a dull pain pulse in my lower back area. " back....area....hurts a bit." This made the blonde look at me with worry, as he tooks steps forward facing me. "May I look?" I shiver hit me. I've never been treated like this before.

"Ah..* He shook his blonde locks*...that's the only way....I can can see your wound.." He trailed off. I looked around seeing Thorin not far off with the others looking at me. Eyes sharp, but he had a confused look on his face. " moment.." I began to slowly turn having my back fully facing away from Thorin. Kili glanced back a bit feeling eyes on him. Then he realized why I did so. He now stood in front me, not moving. Fili stepping forward gently moved my torn long jacket to the side. Not saying a word on how it looked, or what state it was in. Then came the single long sleeved shirt I wore underneath. Carefully touching it, Fili began to lift the back side up. My eyes widen in worry. Only to have Kili gently squeeze the top of my hand. Telling me to focus on him.

Pulling a kind smile he forced me to look at him. Almond eyes searching mine to find any hints of pain, or freight.

"!" Feeling the sudden on my back almost made me jump out of my skin. Stopping Fili questioned. "Alright?"

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