Lighting A Fire Part 3

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"What Noo!! NO!!" I began to shout, grabbing onto the tree branch with my life. While the troll was trying to me off with it's grubby fingers.

"Let go of me!!!!" I screeched. Making a chill hit the company below. I kicked my legs in rage, slamming it right into the jaws of the troll. "OOW!"

"YEEAAAH!!" The Dwarves cheered, from their little corner. *Glare....* The other troll looks at them with a nasty stare. Shutting them up.

" NO NO NoOO! I'm not letting GO!" I shout again, as I being getting pulled back more, my hands sliding across the branch, feeling the small scrapes in my palms. "OOOooo a fighter we have here, this will make a great meal."

"What?! NEVER! I shout. *YANK!* I suddenly get pulled back, on the last point of the branch. ""TCH!" I kicked again hitting the ugly troll once again.

"OW! GRR come on!! stupid girl!! LET GO!"

"N-noooooooooo!!!! and get eaten by you. HELL NO!" I felt a tear come to my eyes, as I remember the visions of rabbits running free in the field. Till I saw a pair of them get brought back to camp. My heart sunk knowing they were going to be gone before I knew it. The rabbit's were still alive for about an hour before all that. I personally crawled up to them bringing them fresh grass, and little flowers they liked to eat.

I became their friend, petting them speaking to them softly. Praying that their passage wasn't could to be painful.

"COME ONE!" *YANK!* In a flash of my single tear dropping, I was torn away from the branch, while everyone looked in horror seeing me swing at the air. They were speechless.

"Over the fire! hurry get on with it!" Ordered the other. "!!!!!" I snapped my head over Thorin, Kili, and Fili. Staring at them, asking them from a distance on what will happen to me. I knew they couldn't help me, but still...

Their kind eyes only looked back in horror to me. Fili began to sway in anger in his tied up state, he was facing down into the dirt, rolling. While the others were piled on top of each other. Kili, and Thorin had front row seats of what was going down.

'D-don't look at me like that...' Thorin told himself, averting his eyes for a moment, but still landing back on my form getting tied down onto the wood with a few others, I was placed right on top of Bofur basically, making me closer to the fire if it turned.

'W-what do you expect me to do..?' Thorin looked back up with saddened eyes. The brothers had no words to describe their feelings right now, they feared for me the most at this point. I was the closest to danger at this point, and the fire was looking hotter than before.

However, I was not done just yet. 'No...way...' I gripped my fist that was tied down. "L-ass....?" Bofur called to me from below. We began to roll. "Waaaah...h!" The dwarves began to shout around me, as I looked down feeling myself get closer to the fire. Kili kicked his bag like mad, trying to free himself. Only to have no hope, even Bilbo looked horrified. Kili still couldn't get up in a proper position, he was stuck facing down.

'H-hot.....oww....' I now faced right down into the fire. I could feel myself heat up painful, it made my head, hurt. I knew I was injured a bit from what happened, but I didn't care. I wasn't going to give up now.

Then I swallowed. "Hey, Trolls..!?" I called out to them. They all turned their heads to me like I'm stupid. "Wot the hell do you want now? pretty dwarf women?' 'Well a accompaniment, and an insult that's nice..' I wasn't sure how to take that.It only made me feel the fire burn in me more.

" I got a question for you. If I may ask." "MMMH, Fine speak. But you are only prolonging your death."

This was a shock to everyone, even the dwarves tied up with me stayed quiet, to listen int to my words. "You know, how you wish to cook us?"

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