Memories Part 6 Final

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{ Here we go! Another chapter! Because I am enjoying writing this soo much! Tell me which dwarf or elf, human, and elf do you like most? ^_^}

" Who is this women?"

His words seemed to look down on us.

I felt myself shrink in my seat, as those icy blue eyes looked down at me from

across the table.

I couldn't help it, I froze in place. While the brothers just looked at me from the corner of their eyes.

Inside Kili, and Fili's mind: 'She's freezing up.' Fili thought. 'Oh no,______.' Kili couldn't help but feel sorry. They didn't want to disobey their uncle.

'Uncle....! why do you need to be so stern.' Fili's eyes dropped to the man across the table.

"Ah, that is _____. She is a guest of mine." Bilbo suddenly jumped in.

'💨HA...! oh thank god..' I breathed out in silence. Feeling a slight weight drop off me. Sadly that wasn't the end of it.

"Hn, I see. I asked her, not you." Bilbo stepped back looking at me with concern. The other dwarfs didn't dare to turn their heads to look at me. They all felt bad though. Knowing Thorin was stern, and dark at times.

"Girl, what is your name, what is it you are doing here?" He asked again. I stuttered a bit before speaking. The two next to me weren't exactly the happiest with this.

"My name is ______ sir. *Everyone's eyes widen at my polite words* As for why I am here...." My eyes looked around the room, before landing on his.

"I..was found, by Bilbo. On his front porch in the dark. I've been on the road for a while know, i would say about 3 days."

"Why is it you're traveling? Surely you didn't know about this gathering?" Thorin began to lift his hand up that held a spoon. I guessed it was soup. 'Oh good..., he seems less scary now...few...'

"No sir I didn't know. I haven't....told anyone yet...but.* Well aside from Bilbo.* I woke up in the middle of field....far away from here. I met giant spiders along the way."

*Cough..! * "Hm...!" Thorin suddenly swallowed big in surprise. His eyes landing back down at me, almost dropping the spoon. "Yet you are here, and alive. Impressive." He still held a neutral face, but for some strange reason...his words didn't hurt me like they should of.

Kili, and Fili sat quietly listening to the story. Everyone was surprised. "What is your choice of weapon, sword or axe?" His question caught me off guard. Still it made me think for a moment. From as far back as I could remember, something told me I was skilled with a sword....or even a bow. Axe didn't hit me as much as the other two.

"...well....I can't remember the last time I used a weapon, but something tells me I am fine with a sword, or a bow."

This made Thorin's one eyebrow twitch. "Uncle.* Fili suddenly called out* she could come with us...!"

"What?!" Thorin looked back at us.

"Yes! I agree. She even said it herself that she has skills with at least one weapon." Chirped Kili. "But I never...said."

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