Unexpected Land part 4

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"This is the room." The tall brunette elf looked at me. Fili and Kili still stood by my side. A slight look off relief hit their faces, knowing this will get better.

" This chamber has a bathing room right next to a place to rest, so you do not need to go far. If you would like I can call for a maid to assist you." Lindir was careful. With his words. He didn't want to scare me, or make me feel uncomfortable. It was in his. Look to be kind, even if I had two Dwarf princes as my best friend.

" Thank you, but no...I will be fine by myself."

Kili stepped in." W-wait? Are you sure about this?? You are injured..., and can't barely stand up..." He said with a soft look in his eyes, he was very concerned, just like Fili. However, the blonde knew this was my choice alone. Even if he didn't like it, it was the wish of a women.

"Very well, at least, let us send some healing medicines up to you. The wounds you carry, must hold quite the story...., but it is not wise to keep them untended to." Said Lindir.

I nod my head, slowly taking a step forward. Only to feel a slight tug. "..mh..?" I looked back with a turn of my head, seeing Kili holding my arm back. "..Kili..?" I blinked.

"We will see you later. I promise. Till then heal up."

"That's right. So don't you dare.. walk out of this room without looking after yourself." Fili joked a bit at the end. I understood what he went by that.

"Let's go...brother." Fili slowly began to pull Kili off my arm. While I watched him walk away looking at me, his eyes wishing he could help me more. With a sigh, the two dwarf princes turned, and began walking away.

Lindir now held the door open, ushering me in his one arm. "I hope it is to your liking. If you shall need anything, just call out from the window. I'm sure a elf maid, or a few of us will hear you."

With a nod of my head I walked inside the bright white walls of the room. It took all I had to not limp to say I was alright. As soon as the door closed behind me. I left myself suddenly tilt to the side.

"Oh no.." *Thud..* Not being able to hold myself up any more. I suddenly grasped onto the frame of the walls, while my other hand held onto a shelf that was empty.

"G..uh..." Gasping I realized how close I was to crashing down, but at least I was in a safe place now. Beads of sweat dropped down the side of my face, that was rare even for me. "..Oookay.. then....now to get up." I almost laughed at this strange position of my body. I looked like some frightened animal. Grasping the side of a wall. "..hhaha.......this is interesting." My eyes land on the balcony a few steps away from where I was clinging the wall.

It had a view of the waterfalls, and the main part of the Rivendell. To my right was another doorway that was slightly open. Mostly the bathroom.

My room was painted in white of many shades, and some gold trimming, and silver. The bedding was pure white, even though I had a risk of staining it red from my wounds later on, giving more work for the elves. For once I was thankful that none of the dwarves, or elves could see this. Because a knew a few of them all too well would laugh at the way I stood before the room.

Mumbling words of annoyance, and stupid things. I slowly crawled my way up the bathroom. I literally had to drop to the ground, and walk on my hands and knees to get to the room. "Well....this is interesting, at least it's working." A slight playful smirk came to my face.

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