Cold Hard Stone Part 5

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"Yes you. Step out now.."

That very moment I felt myself the ground. I feared for my own life. However, I had a idea.....

"Move now...archer. If you do not...we shall do it another way. It hissed at Kili. When Kili didn't move made me panic a bit in another way. I knew this goblin king wouldn't like it very much.

"My eyes deceived me, you are no dwarf." He narrowed his brown dirt eyes, a smirk, and chuckle coming to him. Meanwhile I took all Thorin had to calm, and hold back Kili from bursting into the situation. He, and Fili boiled with fear, anger. Their uncle forcing them to stay put for now.

*gulp..* The king towered over me. A only human. "You are too tall for a dwarf..., and too short for a elf.....hmm...interesting..." It paused for a moment.

"Oh..! I see so that means. You have to be human? strange being with dwarves huh..?"

I didn't answer. I only looked back at it's gross face. "Not talking?? matter." He was right though, I stuck out a like a sore thumb. I was too tall to blend into the dwarves, but shorter than a elf. Still....I had the soft look on my skin of a elf, but...closer to the height of a dwarf in it's own way.

I was taller only by a bit than a average human women. Slamming me between the middle of two races in looks, height, will, fighting skills and style.

What happened next, disgusted us all. Especially three royal ones in the same room. I had no hopes, but to listen to these words.

"Kneel Before Me...." Ordered the goblin king.

*T-thump!* 'Are you kidding me! I will not bow to you!?!' My face went dark.

"I Said Kneel!" *Thud...!*

He ordered again, with a sharp sting of my wrist. I was shoved forward, as my legs were kicked out from under me, making me fall down to my knees. I looked up as a large smirk came onto his lips. His gross.., infectious....ones.

Everyone especially Thorin sneered at this. He would never do such a thing to me. I was too scared to turn, and look back at the two who I got alone with the best. I knew hate was possible on their faces sharp. "Haha, see I knew you would, girl." I hated being called that, but for what I knew only by him.

"I will never, bow to you...." I hissed, swallowing my worry. As my plan began to fall into place, I just had to play it out a little longer. Even if it meant...a painful twist. For a moment the king stood there stunned. At my reply, he knew what I meant. Even if I bowed, I never meant it, and I insulted him with down I glared at him mentally. I kept a firm stoic face, not showing weakness.

"HA!" A sudden shout of amusement came out of him. That shook the ground. *shove* My head got slammed down deeper into a bow, almost knocking it off the ground. I still held the same look on my face, even if the goblins did this to me. I wouldn't give in, not without a fight. Or so help me, that ways I learned from the dwarves of courage. This was also a way to stall for time.

*Swoop!!* Suddenly a large grubby fast hand swung out to me, grabbing my tight around my waist. Swinging me up high into the air. But I didn't scream, even if I felt the air get knocked out of me for a second, as my body tried to ignore the tight dangerous hold of the king.

"Haha well! are you scared now!?" He laughed at my face. Seeing me get held up way over anyone's head. Dangerous if I was dropped. 'Okay okay, t-this is getting a little scary.. BUT I'm not done yet!' I said mentally.

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