Cold Hard Stone Part 3

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"It's alright!, we're alive!"

"Ha...." Thorin leaned against the wall to catch his breath.

Fili who just snapped out of him mini daze of living that fall. He began to rollover, only to have his face go pale. My form just lay there face down, not moving. But course he didn't know that. While the rest of Thorin's company came flooding in. Fili began to panic. Afraid that he squished me, or was his fault of slamming me against the side of the wall. Because the way I was face down, and really close up to the wall, really seemed like he had.

"Where's Bilbo, where's the hobbit!?" Panicked Bofur.

My eyes snapping open wide, as I shot up off the ground, scaring the life out of Fili.

"N-no Bilbo!!" I called, pushing my way through. While Fili called from behind me, Ignoring him I ran to where the hobbit was. Clinging onto the side of the cliff.

"Uh.uhhh!" Poor Bilbo whimpered, his dark blue eyes wide.

"Bilbo! Grab my hand!" I lay myself flat against the ground. The rain finally gave up.

Bofur, also called out to the hobbit. Seeing who he would accept help from instead.

"_____...!" The distant voices of the brother's called out. They were trapped not able to reach me.

"Bilbo!p-please!" ' I owe him this much.' He was always so kind to me.

Swallowing I leaned down even farther. My body being longer than anyone else's here. I was not facing vertically down. My heart pounding hard inside of my chest.

"C-come!" My other hand gripped the side of the cliff.

Nodding he reached out to my hand. *grip!* Only to have both of us slip.


"W-wah..!!" I winced. Having my knee get slammed against the ground. "Try again!!!" I called trying to slide the thought of me falling over the side of the cliff. Everyone looked at me shocked.

When suddenly on the other side of me a arm came flying out, a strong one. 'T-Thorin!' He basically throwing himself off the other side, grabbing Bilbo's other hand, while some dwarves held their leader from falling off as well.

Seeing how he was ready we both began to pull up. While the other's held down my legs, keeping me from slipping.

"Ha ngh!!" I pulled up Bilbo, having him crawl right over my form, and up right over my legs landing on the ground safely.


"NO!" I reached out. Suddenly seeing Thorin slip past my eyes. Grasping his arm firmly, I felt both of us slide down.

"AH!" *THUD!* I crashed myself off the side of the cliff. Only to have a strong force holding the rest of my legs back below my knees.

"_______!!" Fili, and Kili's voice cried out, I looked straight down at Thorin's deep blue eyes. He looked back up at me with thanks, but also concern, as his weight began hurting my arms.

I grit my teeth , as his face went slightly pale. Ashamed for having me, a women holding him up with a painful look on my face.

"J-just a little more..." I whispered. As we slowly began to get pulled up, but I was fading.

Heart Of A Dragon Reader X Kili X Fili X Legolas, Aragorn, Hobbits,Where stories live. Discover now