"I Love You Dallas"♡

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                               point of view

And just like that, the love of my life collapsed right beside me. 'This can't be happening' I thought to myself. 'This can't be the end. No, I'm going to wake up any second now.' The thoughts continued but no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't wake up. Tears formed in my eyes but I couldn't let them fall... not with Jay watching me like a hawk. He'd know he got to me... but he probably already does.

I couldn't take it anymore. I collapsed right beside Laura and broke. I carefully placed her head in my lap with my hand still gripping hers. The tears stained my face as well as the hardwood floor below me. "Laura? Laura baby, answer me" I cried. "It's gonna be okay. You're gonna be fine. Please Laura, hold on... for me" I choked. Her brown eyes fluttered open and my heart skipped a beat.

"I love you Dallas" she smiled and her eyes shut again.

"N-No Laura please. Don't leave me." My voice got soft and I could barely move. "Please. I love you" I whispered.

I heard Jay shift his weight onto his other foot and shove the pistol back into his pocket. "Better think twice about taking things from me. I don't play games" his raspy voice echoed.

I wiped my eyes and stood up in an instant. "What the fuck did I ever do you you? Why didn't you just kill me? Why did you have to take her? She had so much going for her" I shouted.

"Move on Dallas" he stated. "Get tough like me and you don't get hurt." That one line repeated in my head over and over again. I stared at him, wondering what I did that caused him to take the only good thing I had away from me. Jay turned on his heels and walked right out the door.

I was stuck in shock. What in the world just happened? Whatever it was, it was enough to send me over the edge. Laura was my best friend for who knows how long. She helped me get through literally anything. She changed me. She showed me how to drown out all of the bad feelings. She showed me how to have fun. She showed me how to shut everything out and enjoy life. She shaped me to be the person I am. Now that she was gone, everything bad that had ever happened to me just hit me all at once. It hit me like a damn train.

From that day on, New York wasn't the same. I had to get agg away. I learned to do as Laura taught me long ago, to shut everything out. Jay's sentence still replayed in my mind. "Get tough like me and you don't get hurt."

Tulsa here I come.


short chapter, yes i know but it'll get better. i'm trying to make the chapters appropriate for instagram as well so bear with me😂. anyway, please leave your thoughts on this fanfic. thanks you guys! stay gold💛


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