"Losing Him"♡

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"Please be okay" I cried.

After what seemed like hours of crying, I pushed myself to the house phone and dialed the Curtis number. I hoped I remembered it correctly as the line rang. "Hello?" a voice answered.

"Hello? Is this the Curtis residence?" I asked, trying to keep the tears out of my voice.

"Uh yeah. Who is this?" the voice asked.

"It's Laura" I choked out.

"Laura? This is Soda. What's up?"

I sniffed quietly, hoping Soda wouldn't notice and caught my breath. "I-Is Dallas there?" I mumbled.

"No, he went out for a walk with Johnny after you left. They still didn't come back. Are you okay?" he asked.

"I need to talk to Dallas" I cried, this time letting the tears fall. Soda couldn't see them anyway.

"Are you crying? Laura what's going on?" he asked.

"Look, when Dal gets back, please tell him to call this number" I sniffed.

"Don't hang up!" Soda yelled. "Tell me what's going on. Do you want me to come pick you up so we can talk?"

"Soda..." I started. The other line went quiet for a moment. "Soda, you can't come pick me up."

"What? Why not? I don't mind."

"I'm in New York. You can't come get me."

"New York? What for? Was it Dallas?" he began to ask questions that i couldn't answer.

"Soda, calm down. I got homesick but it's an emergency. I need to talk to Dallas as soon as I can." I coaxed.

He sighed but understood. "Okay but if you need to talk, please call again. Okay?"

"Okay Soda. Get some rest, it's late" I sighed.

The two of us said our "goodnights" and I tried to sleep. Instead, I paced back and forth for hours. "Why is he never here when I need him?" I asked myself. "Maybe I should talk to someone about this. I mean, Craig's the first person I'd go to but..... I'll just call someone."

I walked back to the phone and was about to dial a number when it suddenly rang. I hesitate to pick it up but eventually answered. "H-Hello?"

"Help me Laura. I'm scared and it hurts. It all hurts" I heard Craig's voice cry.

"Craig? Craig is that you? W-Where are you? Are you okay?" I asked.

"Just hurry Laura" he begged and then the other line hung up.

I didn't know what to say. I didn't know what to think. I didn't even know what to do. I tried to stay strong and be positive. "Craig's alive" I smiled. "But he's suffering and scared and he's depending on me" I continued. Before I could think straight, I dialed the Curtis' number again.

"Hello?" a different voice asked.

"Soda?" I asked, my heart racing.

"What, no. It's Ponyboy. Who is th- Laura?" he asked.

"Ponyboy, I talked to Soda a couple of hours ago. He said Dallas went on a walk. Did he, by any chance, come back to your place?" I asked.

"No, Johnny was supposed to be sleeping here tonight but he went walk with Dally hours ago and neither one of them came home" he sighed. "Why, what's the problem?"

"I just need to talk to Dally. Please, please, please tell him to call me when he gets back. It's a really big emergency." I begged.

"Yeah sure thing" he said. "Are you okay?"

"I'll be fine if Dallas would get his ass to the phone but don't worry, I'll make it through the night. Thanks Pone. Call me if you hear from him."

"Alright, bye"

"Bye" I said and sat on the couch. My house seemed so dull without Craig there. Sure, I should be living with my parents but I really can't stand them so I moved with my brother.

Trying to get my mind off of the situation, I turned on the TV. However, i couldn't focus on whatever show was playing. My anxiety was killing me. I loved my brother a lot and the thought of losing him gave me a sick feeling in my stomachs. Choking on my own small tears, I fell asleep.

The next morning, I woke up to the phone ringing. I jumped up and ran to it, hoping it would be Dallas. "Hello?" I asked anxiously.

"Hey Laura, did you speak to Dallas yet?" Jay's voice asked.

I debated on lying to him and telling him that Dallas would be here soon but what if I couldn't get in contact with him in time? "No, not yet. He went for a walk yesterday and didn't answer the phone all night" I stated.

"Well the clocks ticking. Wouldn't want me to take matters into my own hands, right Craig?" he stated.

"Hurry Laura" Craig cried. Craig hardly ever showed fear around me. Sure he was my overprotective big brother but he was always happy and laughing. This terrified me even more.

"I'm trying Craig. I'm trying" I cried into the phone before the line disconnected again.

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