"Barely Making It"♡

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"Get well soon" I stated, not turning to look at him. I walked out the door with tears rolling down my eyes only to be greeted by the gang.

I urgently wiped my tears and looked up at them. "Laura?" I heard someone say but I didn't answer. "Laura, we heard him yelling, are you okay?" the voice cooed. I half smiled and nodded.

"Yeah I'm fine. I'm actually feeling kind of sick. I'll just go. See you guys later" I said, my voice surprisingly really low. I looked up to see them staring at me. "What?" I asked.

"Laura you're not fine. Come here" Sodapop sighed. I walked to him and he wrapped me in a hug, rubbing circles into my back. I looked up and the gang was gone, probably to go see Johnny.

"Thanks Soda. Look, I really should be going" I pulled back. He nodded and proceeded to a room I'm guessing was Johnny's. I heard Pony's cheerful voice talking to him about school and stuff. I softly smiled and walked out of the hospital door. I still had no idea what the hospital called Darry about. I also still had no car so I decided I'd attempt to go back to the store and get it.

I began walking and I wasn't really focused on going anywhere. I just allowed my feet to carry me wherever, hopefully to my car but I wasn't thinking...
well, I wasn't thinking about walking that is. Surprisingly, I made it to the small store and got into my car. I took the keys out of my pocket and started to drive. I noticed a phone booth so I thought I'd call and let Craig know I was coming back.

The phone began ringing for about a minute before it reached the voicemail. I called again. No answer. "He's probably not home" I mumbled and returned to my car. I stopped at a nearby park and stayed there for hours, just thinking. Eventually, night fell and I realized I hadn't even left to go home like I told myself I would. I hated driving alone at night, it just gives me a weird feeling sometimes. Every now and then it could be relaxing but mostly in New York, I was too paranoid for some reason.

Still under a big tree, I slumped down and tried to get comfortable. I winced a couple times at the way my rib area shifted but the pain began to subside. Since I had nowhere to go and nothing to do, I figured I'd just stay here for a bit longer. I laid down on my back and looked through the leaves at the stars. I just stared off into the gorgeous black sky with endless rows of stars and the moon, hiding in it's shadows. Eventually, i drifted off to sleep.

point of view

"Get well soon" she said, and walked out the door. I didn't know how to reply to anything she was saying. I didn't know if her going back to New York would be better for her than staying here. I didn't know if she actually wanted to go or not. I just didn't know anything. Before she left me alone in that room, I could hear her holding back her tears and I know I'd done something wrong. She helped me through so much and I'm just not good enough for her. It was different now than it was back then.

I furrowed my eyebrows as the door shut, too tongue tied for words. I wanted to stop her but I couldn't. I don't know how but I couldn't do anything. My lip quivered for a moment before I heard my door click. It was the gang. They walked in with bright smiles on their faces, probably unaware that Laura was leaving; not that they should care anyway.

I just looked at them. I loved their company but I was in no mood to be bothered. They noticed my attitude but their faces never fell. "Hey Dally, what's up" Steve called.

"Nothin' man. Just don't want no visitors right now okay" I sighed, looking back down at my lap.

"You can't make one exception?" Ponyboy asked.

"THERE'S SIX OF YOU MAN" I said, my voice getting louder. They all looked take aback but they didn't move.

"Hey Dal" a small voice croaked. I looked through the boys and saw Johnny in a wheelchair. He was all burned up but he wasn't as bad as before. Most of his burns had healed. My mood suddenly changed.

"Hey Johnny" I half-smiled. "How ya doin' man?

The gang knew I didn't like being soft so they left Johnny and me alone. "Still hurtin a bit but it's slowly getting better. The guys told me how you wound up in here.... twice. How're you?" he laughed.

"Barely making it. Hey, did Laura talk to you?" I asked, trying to figure out if she was actually leave me.

"Laura?" he asked. "Nah, I never met her. I heard Ponyboy mention her but that's about it.

"I messed up man, bad" I sighed. Johnny gave me a confused look asking me what I'd done that was so horrible. "How much did you hear about her?" I asked.

He shrugged and replied with "Not much. Pony just said he met her in the lobby and how she was real stressed out and worried about you. I don't even know who she is, what she looks like, or where she's from. What happened Dally?"

There was silence for a moment until I took a breath and told him the story on what happened between Laura and me. "And then I told her she'd be better off in New York. I don't even know why man. The words just came out of me and I couldn't stop them. Now Laura's gone and it's my fault...again" I said, trying to steady my voice.

Johnny gave me a strong look of hope and sincerely smiled. "Awe Dal'. From what I can tell, she loves you... a lot and she won't have the heart to leave you. I bet she's still here, somewhere. Just get better and y'all can sort things out, okay?" he stated.

I looked down at the covers and sighed. "Okay. Hey Johnny, you know you really scared me man... when you almost died on me. "How are you?"

"I know Dally. I heard you run out. I'm feeling better now and less tired than before. Doctors said I broke my back but they said since you stopped the majority of the wood from falling on me, they said I'll be okay. They called Darry earlier and said I can go home tomorrow. They tried to call my place but my folks didn't answer. Anyway, get well man. I'll see ya later" he cheered and rolled his wheelchair out of my room to meet the gang.

I sat there for a bit, just thinking. Does Laura actually want to leave me? Does she still love me? Did she actually love me in New York? Is she on her way home? Did she stay in Tulsa Is she okay? Am I gonna be okay?

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