"I Almost Died"♡

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point of view

My heart pounded as I patiently waited for Dallas to arrive. I knew he'd be hours but I had to see him. Not only was I worried about what Jay would do to Craig but I was worried about what he might do to Dallas. Just the thought of losing either one of them made me tremble and tears escaped my already puffy eyes again. I don't normally cry, let alone cry this much but I just couldn't stop.

Memories flooded into my brain like a tsunami and the tears only matched the mood. From the times Dallas came over and cuddled me until I fell asleep because something upset me that day to me leaving him recently. I remembered Craig hiding me in the room and distracting me from my fighting parents. I remembered my closest friends taking me out on nights that made me forget about it all. It was all too much for me and I just broke.

Suddenly, the phone rang. I almost instantly picked it up. "Hello?" I asked.

"Hey Laura. So any luck find ole Dal?" Jay's voice rang.

"Y-Yes, he coming soon. What are you gonna do to him?" I snapped?

"We're just gonna have a little talk is all. Now if he refuses to cooperate, well that's another story but he wouldn't do that would he?"

"Uh... n-no. So is Craig free to go?"

"Do you think I'm stupid? Your brother's staying here until I say he can leave" he laughed.

"What? You said that-" I started but he hung up before I could finish. "DAMMIT!" I yelled and through myself against the wall. Dallas where are you?

point of view

In an instant, I was driving out of Tulsa. Laura's shakey voice was set on replay in my mind for what seemed like hours. I turned on the radio but all of the songs were not the best if you're worried or upset. I swear it's as if the radio knows your mood.

Hours and hours flew by as I grew drowsy. I had to stop or something because I didn't want to fall asleep on the road. But then again, I didn't want Laura to be in danger so I kept going. More hours went by and I fought to keep my eyelids open. Unable to focus, I was yanked out of my thoughts by a loud, blaring horn. I jerked awake and swerved back into my lane. I debating on pulling over for the longest time until I became lost in thought yet again. This time, the whole world seemed to move in slow motion as shatters of glass flew about the car.

Before I could fight back, my head flew forward and crashed into the steering wheel as the opposing car spun in cricles rapidly. My surroundings were blurry with a reddish hue for a moment and then it went black. "Is he okay? Mister, can you hear me? Can you hear me sir?" voices echoed.

I let out a small groan and coughed. "He's breathing. Hey, hey, hey guys back up. He's awake" a different but faint voice sounded. "Excuse me sir, can you hear me?"

"W-Wha-" I groaned.

"You've been in an accident and you're in an ambulance. The car that hit you is gone as well as the person in it so it's considered to be a 'hit and run'. Are you okay?" a woman sitting next to me asked.

"Yeah I'm okay. My head hurts, my body's killing me, my girlfriend is in danger, and I'm just caught in the middle of everything" I snapped. The woman went silent for a while.

"So where were you heading?" she asked.

"What's it to ya. My girlfriend needs me right now and I almost died."

She shook her head. "Y'know I'm just trying to be nice. If you don't want company then I won't talk."

I sighed and held my eyes shut. I must have fallen asleep because the next thing I know is I'm in a hospital room. A quiet noise escaped my throat as j tried to sit up. "Don't move" a female voice commanded.

Confused, I looked around the room to see Laura sitting in a chair in the corner. "Laura?" I asked.

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