"Watch Your Back Winston"♡

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"One day you're gonna be the death of me." I wrapped my arms around his torso buried my face into it's place in his chest. He wrapped his strong arms around my body and planted a small kiss on the top of my head.

"Hey, how 'bout we finish those movies" he grinned.

After watching movies for a while, Dally dosed off on my chest. I cuddled him until I made myself comfortable. Staring at Dallas' face I noticed how different he looked. Even though he didn't care what happened to him, he always had a stressed expression that disappeared while he was asleep. Though he was hard to handle sometimes, I really did love him... I really do love him.

I moved some of his hair out of his face and just messed around with the rest until he shifted groaned sleepily. I shifted my body along with his to where we were on our sides and our chests were connected. I traced random shapes around his torso until I fell asleep just thinking. Should I stay?

point of view

The next morning I woke up with my arm wrapped around Laura's waist. Trying not to wake her up, I placed a gentle kiss on her temple area and pushed myself off of the couch. "Mm?" she groaned, rubbing the sleepiness out of her eyes. "Where you going?"

"Go back to sleep baby. I'm just going for a walk" I replied.

I turned my back only to be interrupted by that same sweet voice from before. "Dally? Can you stay, just a little bit longer?" she whined. This girl is something else.

I chuckled to myself and shook my head at how easily I gave in to her. I laid back down on the couch and pulled her so her skin can press against mine, returning my arms to their favorite place around Laura. She shifted to get even more comfortable, closed her eyes, and dozed off.

Laying in the dark, questions rolled through my mind. Why did Laura come back? Why didn't I stay at the hospital long enough to figure out if she had died or not? How did that break me so much? Why hadn't she come to Tulsa sooner? Why was my life so complicated? Why is everything so good now? I know all good things in my life end up in flames and I wasn't looking forward to finding out this this one ended up. Why can't I just be happy for once?

"WAKEY WAKEY!!! I WANT SOME EGGS AND BAKEY" a loud voice from the door yelled, causing me and Laura to practically fall off of the couch.

"Two-Bit shut the hell up man" I groaned, rubbing my head. "Can't a guy get some sleep around his without going deaf by these lunatics?" Laura smiled at me. "What?" I asked, looking around.

"You know you can be real cute when your angry" she giggled, messing up my bed head.

point of view

"Oh hey Laura, didn't know you were here" Two-Bit chucked. He signaled to mine and Dally's wild hair "rough night?" he laughed.

Dally glared at him and I playfully rolled my eyes. "Lunatic" Dally muttered under his breath. I giggled again. Dallas looked back at me with playfully intimating eyes. "What, you think it's funny?"

"Just a little" I smiled.

He then tackled me onto the couch, causing me to let out a squeal. "Dallas get off!" I laughed, trying to get him off of my body. "Dally" I whined.

"You gonna start laughing again" he questioned.

"Maybe" I teased. "But I'll control myself."

"Oh no, you're gonna have to do better than that" he said, pinning me against the sofa and pressing quick kisses all around my face. Faintly, I could hear Two-Bit making gagging noises in the kitchen. I playfully rolled my eyes again and turned my head to the side so Dallas couldn't reach my face. "So you wanna play that game huh?" he laughed, this time laying on top of my body so I really can't move.

"No, Dally get off" I whined.

"Why?" he smiled.

"Because I said so."

"Ooh, because you said so. I wonder what'll happen when you don't get what you want" he laughed.

I glared at him. "Okay, you wanna be like that? Watch your back Winston, I'm still a New Yorker" I smirked.

"I'm sooooo scared" he laughed but I cut him off by bucking my hips up to knock him off of the couch and onto the floor. I straddled him and pushed his arms down by his head. "Damn, well played. I taught you well."

I rolled my eyes and smiled. "You know, I kind of like this position" he smirked.

"Dally" I laughed, and playfully slapped his head. "Your friends are watching us."

"Then let 'me watch. If they're that interested then let them do what they want" he chucked, sitting up (which caused me to end up back in his lap).

The gang rolled their eyes and took out a chocolate cake from the refrigerator. "Cake's ready" Darry yelled. "It's not hot but it's cake so enjoy."

Dally stood up and placed me standing up on the floor. I made a pouty face and he groaned. "Spoiled much?"

"Don't act so surprised. You made me this way" I giggled. He sighed and picked me up bridal style and threw me onto the couch.

"If you want cake, you can get your spoiled ass up and go get it" he chuckled. I made puppy dog eyes just to mess with him some more. "Laura..." he started but cut himself off. "No, you're not getting the best of me, not this time" he smiled and wandered into the kitchen.

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