Alternate Ending ♡

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Beep, beep, beep, beep!

The alarm clock sounded. I groaned and turned to my side. "Goodmorning babe" she smiled.

"Laura? Wha-What happened?" I asked.

"You drank too much and fell asleep" she laughed. "You were talking and crying in your sleep... what was that all about?"

"It was just a wild dream" I groaned. I poked her arm. "Yeah, just a wild dream."

"And you're poking me why?" she laughed.

"To see if you're real" I smiled.

"Is this real enough for ya" she smirked and pressed her lips on mine, climbing on my chest. When she pulled away, she placed her small head near my heart.

"I don't know. Maybe a kiss isn't enough" I smirked.

"Or maybe you feel like being a spoiled baby" she laughed. "Come on get up" she groaned and rolled out of bed. "Darry called and asked if we could take Ponyboy and Johnny to the movies tonight so Pony don't get jumped again. Also, Craig called and said he's coming down here for a while. Some drama started in New York and he misses me" she smiled.

"Well damn. Taking my phone calls and leaving me messages? Are you my secretary?"

She laughed and rolled her eyes. "Get up" she groaned, pulling my arm. I grabbed her small arm and only pulled her back in bed with me. "We can't stay in bed forever Dallas. Come on, the gang's finally warming up to me. I'd rather not screw it up by staying in bed all day."

"But you're keeping me out of trouble. They'll enjoy that" I smiled, pulling her small body closer to mine and wrapping my arms securely around her.

She smiled, gave me a small kiss on my nose and pushed out of my grasp. "Well if you're not coming, I won't wait up" she said energetically opening the curtains; allowing the sunlight to brighten up my room. I groaned and pulled a pillow over my head. "Come on Count Dracula, last call before I leave your lazy ass here... alone with the sunlight" she laughed.

"You're lucky I love you" I groaned and pushed myself out of bed. After getting dressed, the two of us headed out of my house. Laura wanted to walk to the Curtis' so we did. Once we got there, Darry and Soda were running around getting ready for work while Two-Bit, Johnny, and Ponyboy were watching Mickey Mouse, and Steve was eating cake; laughing at Soda panic. "So where's the party?" I chuckled.

"Someone's in a good mood. What did you do to him Laura?" Two-Bit joked.

"That's for me to know and you to find out... top secret information" she smirked.

Two-Bit laughed and returned his gaze to the TV. "Dally, Laura, you two are watching Pony today right?" Darry asked, putting on his shoes.

We nodded as Laura sat in between Two-Bit and Johnny. "She's such a kid" I chuckled to myself.

"But you love me anyway!" she called.

"Right" I mumbled and sat down on the empty couch. The house eventually fell quiet, other than the TV. I laid down and closed my eyes.

"NOOO!" I heard Laura scream and suddenly, I was falling off of a rooftop. A gunshot was heard and then splat! I hit the ground. It was dark for a good 10 minutes before I opened my eyes again.

Police sirens filled the air as the ambulance pulled up near me. "He's gone. Clear!" a man yelled as he rubbed together two metal panels and placed them on my chest. A bolt of electricity flooded through my body. "Clear!" he yelled again, repeating the process.

"We got her! A bullet wound in her chest. She's unconscious, get her help" another voice yelled. "Her driver's license! It says her name is Laura Pierce. Miss Pierce, hello Miss Pierce. Can you here me? Ma'am! She's unresponsive!" the voice yelled. "Get them in an ambulance! Hurry!"

"Clear!" the first man yelled again, repeating the process from before. This time, I gasped the biggest breath of my life and opened my eyes again.

"Goodmorning sleeping beauty" Laura laughed. Suddenly, I was back in the Curtis living room. "Hey, you alright? You look like you just seen a ghost" she asked, placing her hand on my forehead.

"N-No. No this isn't real. This isn't real. I'm dead, you died. But where. Where is he?" I said, backing myself into the couch with eyes as wide as bowling balls.

Laura grabbed my face in both of her hands. "Look at me Dallas, look at me. It was a dream. You're okay. It's okay" she said calmly.

"W-What happened... how did you get here?" I asked. "I wanna know from the very beginning."

"Dallas" she groaned. "Okay..."

Knock, knock, knock!

"Pony can you get that?" she asked. Ponyboy nodded and made his way to the door.

"I need to see Dallas Winston. We have some catching up to do" a horrific voice echoed through the house.

"Uh, yeah he's here. How do you know him?"

"That's a story for another time. So can I come in?"

"Um okay?" Pony shrugged and opened the door wider, allowing the visitor to walk through.

"Hello Dallas, long time no see" he smiled his usual insane smile.

"Jay" I growled.

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