"Dally Was Gone"♡

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point of view

For some reason, I couldn't stop thinking about Laura's face when she came out of the hospital yesterday. She looked so...broken. We heard Dallas and her arguing but when it quieted down, we really got worried. I faintly heard Dally mumble something but couldn't quite make it out. Not long after, Laura bursted through the door trying to hide her tears. Of course I wanted to know what was wrong but I figured she really didn't want to talk about it. Sodapop went and comforted her as me and the rest of the gang went to get Johnny. By the time we came out, Laura was nowhere to be seen. I shrugged it off and met the rest of the gang by Dallas' room.

Without warning, they all barged through his door enthusiastically. In hopes to cheer him up, they ignored his attitude and held their bright smile. That only made Dally angrier, and he began protesting us staying at all. Finally, they gang brought out their secret weapon-- Johnny. "Hey Dal" he smiled.

Dally's eyes got wide and he half-smiled as we left the two of them alone. Eventually Johnny had to go back  in his room so we all said our goodbyes and we went home. The gang kind of spread out more than usual. Johnny and Dally were still in the hospital. Two-Bit and Steve went to their houses. Darry still slept in his room while I slept in mine and Soda fell asleep on the couch. My nightmares didn't come as often anymore, especially when I slept with Soda so I was a bit worried about tonight.

After a rough night of tossing and turning, it was finally morning. Two-Bit and Steve reappeared at my house and everyone met up in the kitchen for breakfast. Afterwards, everyone got ready to go to the hospital. Darry and Soda took off of work for the morning to take care of Johnny and everything.

Finally we got to the hospital and walked up to the counter. "Johnny Cade," Darry started. Mrs. Peterson looked up from her papers and smiled. "He's getting out today right?" Darry asked. Mrs. Peterson nodded and pointed to a hallway where Johnny sat in his wheelchair. The whole gang smiled from ear-to-ear and ran up to Johnny.

"You can finally come back to the Curtis' and eat chocolate cake again" Two-Bit cheered.

"Guys, can we go see Dally before I leave. I gotta tell him bye" Johnny asked. We nodded and proceeded towards Dally's room but there was a problem. When we opened the door, there was no one inside. Assuming he'd just checked out early, we went back to the front desk. "By any chance, did Dallas Winston check out of the hospital lately?" I asked. Mrs. Peterson did her signiture move and flipped through some papers.

"Nope, says that he's not supposed to be let out for another two days. He's not in his room?" she asked.

"Oh no" I thought out loud. The gang must have also tought the same thing because we walked right back to his room in search of a note or something. Dally was gone.

point of view

Eventually, the sun's heat and morning dew woke me up. I groaned and tried to stand up. I don't even know how I slept so good out here but I did. I ended up abandoning my car again and just walked around for a bit. I heard echoed yelling so I ran in the direction of the commotion. It was the rich kids who jumped me not too long ago. They were chasing some girl I didn't recognize. "Hey!" I yelled.

The guys turned around to look at me. "Well lookie here. Decided to come back for more?" I heard one laugh.

"Leave her alone" I scoffed. When they didn't move I shifted my weight on one leg and turned my voice colder. "I said, leave her alone" I stated, venom practically dripping from my lips.

"Oh yeah, why should we?" the guy from before laughed.

"Because I said so" I snarled.

"Ooh, she said so! I'm sooo scared! We'd better get out of here boys" he said, sarcastically shaking his hands. I squinted my eyes in disgust. By that time, the girl had already snuck away from them so I turned on my heels and started to walk away when I felt a pair of arms pull me back. "No, no, no. You let that other girl get away. You're not gonna be as lucky" I felt the guy's hot breath on my ear which caused me to slightly shiver. "Scared, are we? Good."

"Let-go-of-me" I growled but he refused. Instead, he pushed me up against a tree, his hand holding my throat causing my breathing to stiffen. "S-Stop" I choked out but it was useless. I knew it was useless.

Short chapter, I'm sorry but school recently started and it's been difficult to post, let alone write. I absolutely love the feedback I've been getting lately!!!! 100 READS ALREADY!!! Anyways, thanks so much for all the support, ilysm!!!
Stay Gold💛


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