"Wasted Enough Time"♡

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"So where now?" Zoey asked?

I looked up quickly, in shock. "Uh, this is fine" I shrugged.

"You know, people who are half asleep shouldn't walk the streets of New York alone" she shrugged.


"You fell asleep Dallas!" she laughed.

"I'll be fine" I sighed and stepped out of the car.

"Whatever you say." And then Zoey drove off without a second thought. I'll be honest with you, I didn't want to be alone but the awkwardness between Zoey and I would only make my night even longer.

The sound of my boots hitting the hard, cemented walkway filled the air as New York seemed slightly dull. My emotions didn't help either. I was angry and upset and overall, confused.

Unable to think properly, I began to walk towards Laura's home; hoping she still lived there after who knows how long. Finally, I came up to her old place and knocked on the door. No answer. "Laura? It's be, Dally. You gone? Craig? Somebody?" I called. No answer. I then turned the doorknob. It was unlocked. Laura hated having her doors unlocked. She was always too paranoid about that kind of stuff. I guess she wasn't as fearless as I always thought she was.

My foot entered the first room of the dark house as an uneasy feeling washed over my body. "Hello?" I called. Not a single sound. I proceeded to walk and stroll around the small area. I then walked to Laura's bedroom. No one was there. 'Well she was shaken up about Craig. Maybe she's in his room' I thought to myself as I explored more of the house.

I came to where I remembered Craig's bedroom and slowly turned the doorknob. "Laura?" I almost whispered. Then, I looked down at the bottom of the door and saw a horrific red stain. "N-No. This can't be blood" I shook my head but my conscience spit fire.

"Oh yeah, somebody just took a bottle of ketchup to their bedroom and accidentally spilled it on the carpet and didn't bother cleaning it up, that's exactly what happened" my conscience fought back. I realized I must be going crazy considering I'm fighting with my brain but I didn't think much of it. 'What if something happened to the two of them? What if I'm too late? It's all my fault' I thought to myself and more tears formed in the back of my eyes.

I turned the knob slowly and noticed more blood on the carpet. I furrowed my eyebrows and tried not to cry or anything. I then called out Laura's name again and saw nothing... except a piece of paper on Craig's bed. I picked it up and read it instantly.

"Everyday he's not here, someone you or he loves is going to get hurt" I repeated from the note. "Oh my god." I gasped. "Laura... Laura I'm so sorry. I'm so so sorry" I cried to myself.

I knew I couldn't stay crying forever; I already wasted enough time; so I turned on my heels, bursted through the front door, and took off to the bar where Jay started all of this.

point of view

Dally's been gone for what seems like weeks now. Johnny's been freaking out saying how "Dally and Laura were in danger" and everything. Since Dally left town, even more socs come to our side of town. They know not to mess too bad with Soda, Darry, Two-Bit, and Steve but Johnny and I are perfect targets. I don't fight much at all and although Johnny can fight pretty well, he'd freeze up the second he comes in contact with a soc.


More inactivity? Of course! And to make matters worse, i didn't even finish this chapter 🤦🏽‍♀️ super sorry guys but i've been BEYOND busy with everything. i'll be back on my feet as soon as everything dies down. thanks for the support anyways! until next time!
Stay Gold


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