"You Got Visitors"♡

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"What the hell just happened" I mumbled. "I came here to forget about Laura and now I'm thinking other women are her? I think about her when I'm sober and I even think about her when I'm drunk. There's just no escaping this girl!"

"Angela? What the hell are you doing over here?" I heard a voice downstairs angrily say.

"Buck had a party last night and I got drunk. What are you doing here, Tim?" Angela's voice replied.

"I was looking for you. Curly said you were out partying so this was the first place to look" the voice I knew as "Tim" replied.

"Where is Curly anyway?" Angela asked.

"Got into some trouble. They sent him to a reformatory late last night. I was too busy trying to keep him out to go and search for you so I came today" Tim answered. "But you gotta come on home now" he finished.

Then, I felt something rise up through my stomach, up to my throat, and reach my mouth. I ran towards a nearby trash can and stayed there until I was finished doing what I was doing.

"Buck had someone staying over again?" Tim's voice asked.

"I don't know, maybe. Like I said, I was drunk" Angela sighed. I could practically hear her rolling her eyes.

I went to my room and put on my boots then eventually left the building, earning weird looks from both Tim and Angela.

I didn't know where I was going but I didn't really care either. After walking for what seemed like hours, I eventually came up to a gas station that was called "DX". I had some money on me so I figured I'd go and get me a Coke or something.

When I walked in, I noticed a crowd of girls surrounding the cash register. Through all of them though, I could see a guy. I grabbed me a Coke and pushed through the crowd of girls.

A couple of them grabbed onto me, some just sighed, and some backed off. "That's 25 cents" the guy said, smiling a bright perfect smile. I payed him and shrugged the girls away.

"Move, you hood" a girl whined. I rolled my eyes and walked to the door only to be face to face with another worker at the store.

"Hey uh, Soda! Could ya hurry up. I need a little help on this car over here" the worker said.

"Hold on Steve. I'll be right there" the guy behind the counter chuckled.

"Hey" the guy I knew as Steve said, waving his hand in front of my face to get my attention. "You new?"

"Hey man, get your hand out my face b'fore I take it off, willya" I growled. "Yeah I'm new but that doesn't mean I gotta make friends" I finished.

He shrugged and the guy I knew as Soda came up behind me. "Well I'm Sodapop Curtis and this is Steve Randle. Ya need anything and we gotcha" Sodapop said.

"The name's Dallas Winston" I answered.


Later on, I was introduced to Soda and Steve's gang. Everyone was tuff and could be tough if they had to but they all were different from me. They cared... a lot. They became really attached to anyone they met. Me and Buck became rodeo buddies, even though I don't ride much. Tim and I became real close friends, despite the constant fights we had. I grew a special liking for one of the gang, Johnny. I felt the need to protect him like I failed to do for Laura. Speaking of her, though she's never left my mind, the gang still has no idea of her.

As of dating, I've had a few more "one night stands" and not many girlfriends. This one broad, Sylvia, was a good toy for a while but she's cheated on me more times than I can count. I guess you can call me a flirt. I remember this red-head from the drive-in, she was fun to mess around with but she was way out of my category...a soc, at that. Of every girl I've ever met, none have ever compared to Laura. God I miss her so much.

Overall, I like it here in Tulsa. There's always action. Not like in New York, but there's usually something to get into. The two places are similar in a way. I'm not going to lie, I've thought about going back to New York plenty of times but I already have a life here with people who care about me, despite my cold hearted times and suicidal fits. I protect them and they protect me, simple as that.

One night while I was staying at Buck's, I got a knock on my door. "Hey Dal. You got visitors. Uhh, Ponyboy and Johnny's here" I heard Buck say.

I stood up and walked downstairs to see yet another party was going on. I ignored the blaring music and drunk people and went straight for the door. There stood terrified Johnny and soaking wet Ponyboy. What the hell did I miss?

"We need your help Dal" Johnny said, his voice shaking more than usual.

"W-What's goin' on?" I asked.

"Johnny killed a soc" Pony cried.

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