Cold!Mikasa x Shy!Fem Reader

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(Your POV)
Why is she so mean? She's so pretty. Why?
You were holding a card that you were going to give to your crush, Mikasa. You were going to confess with that card but no one knows about your sexuality and your scared. She's totally gonna reject me...You see Mikasa on the training grounds and you run up to her. You give the card to her and watch for her reaction.
She opens the card but after she read the first sentence, she threw it onto the floor infront of her without taking her eyes off of you.
Your feel your heart drop then shatter to pieces like glass as she shoves past you and steps on the card in the process.
You stare at the card for a moment before going back to your barracks.

The next few days you smiled less and barely paid attention when you spared with people. Thus, your ranking dropped from 9, to 23. Your eyes were always red and puffy from crying too much. You thought that no one cared. After all, who would? You thought.

(Mikasa' s POV)
Lately I been keeping an eye on this (Y/n) person. To be honest, she interests me. When she gave me a card, my instincts came in and threw the card to the floor and I stepped on it.
A few days after that, I realize she changed. She used to stare at me, but now she barely even gives me a glance. What is up with her? I spare with Eren, making sure not to actually hurt him. Although I am cold, I have a promise to fulfill, which is taking care of Eren. I look around trying to find (Y/n) but I don't see her. I get cerious and sent myself on a mission to find her.
I found her in the girls barracks, crying. For some reason, I felt guilty. This doesn't even have to do with me. Why do I care? I still find myself making my way to her, sitting next to her on her bed.
When I did, she flinched and her breath hitched. What the hell was that? was kinda cute..."what is wrong with you?" I find myself asking her. She stayed silent. I felt myself getting angry. I pinched her arm and she yelped. " you didn't have to pinch me!" She yells. "Tell me what is wrong with you!" I began to shout. "Maybe you should've  ask yourself that question a couple of days ago!" She yells as she stands up and leaves. She's never had an outburst before. What I did probably ticked her off more than ever. I stood up and walked out of the barracks. The card. Some part of me said. I ran to where she approached me a couple of days ago. Sure enough, the card was still where I stepped on it. Must've had something important in it. I bent down and grabbed the card.

Dear Mikasa,
        You probably have a crush on Eran since you are always with him. But...I have a crush on you. Everyday I look forward to seeing you. Honestly, everything about you is perfect.  From your hair and eyes, to how you fight, everything. I just had to get this of my chest and hopefully you can accept my feelings.

             Your Admirer, (Y/n)

Right then something clicked in me. The reason she ran...the reason she doesn't's all because of me? I find myself feeling really guilty for what I did. I find myself yearning for that sweet smile she has everyday. Those smiles were because of me...and I broke her. She will never smile because of me. I break into a sprint, frantic to find (Y/n).

After a while I find her beneath a tree. "Hey...I'm really sorry about a few days ago. It was just an instinct of mine." I say to her. "It's okay" she says "No! It's not okay! I-I broke your heart be honest...I didn't realize this until I read the card." Her eyes widen as she looks up at me. "I had a crush on you too..." I sheepishly say. "Oh...I-I" "you really need to work on not being so shy" I say before giving her a quick peck on the lips. I knew it was only a peck but I could tell her lips were really soft.
I smile sheepishly as her shocked face turns into a smile.

"You really need to work on your kisses!"

A/n: Leave a request!

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