(RWBY) Teen!Winter! x Teen!Fem!Reader!

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(Your POV)

    When Winter suddenly showed up at my front door, it was no surprise that I was a tad irritated. Although it was not rare to find a Schnee in Atlas, it is rare to see one at your front door seeking for shelter. Winter told her story about running away because of her father's demands and ways of making business. I couldn't agree more. I let her stay for a while lending her my spare room in my home. I was also an engineer in Atlas headquarters, over watching the production of equipment and making them from metal scraps. While I was away, Winter would help do chores at my home as a way of repayment by letting her stay. She mentioned that she was supposed to lay low for now and she couldn't be seen outside often. I respected her choice and carried on with my life.

    That was until she was required to go home.

    It wasn't until I got word from Weiss, Winter's younger sister that was in middle school, that Winter was taken home and might not ever come back. During the time where I was a at work, her father showed up unexpectedly to my home and took her away while I was at Atlas.
    I was a lot more saddened that I felt that I should have. But, I was just a temporary hide out for her. Yet why do I feel so alone now? I sat in silence on the couch as instant lunch trays littered the floor. Usually, there would not be a scrap of trash in the house unless you would like to be scolded. Now it was everywhere, reminding me of the absence of Winter.
    It carried on like this for months. My career was not harmed but I spent most of my time thinking about Winter. Would she come back? Will I ever see her again? What happened to her? All these questions and more filled my mind. My body was effected too. I haven't been getting the nutrients that Winter would have made in our meals together. I have been lossing sleep from the lack of giggles in the next room as Winter used her scroll to communicate with her sister. It was all just too quiet.


    "Y/n! It's me Winter! Let me in!" A voice called from the other side of the door. Recognizing the voice, I scrambled off the couch and into the entrance of my home. "Winter!" I cheered as I slipped a few times, only for me to get back up and run faster. As soon as I reached the door, I swung it open. Standing there with a warm smile was Winter. I gasped and threw my arms around her making it irisistable for her not to hug me back. Being shorter that her (just pretend if you aren't...), she swung me around like a little child and finally set me down on my feet. We pulled away from the hug with the hugest smiles on our faces. "Winter, your back!!" I rejoiced as I jumped up and down. This was uncharacteristic for me but in a situation like this, it was the only thing I could do other that kissing her. Wait. Other than kissing her!? Kiss-...kissing Winter!?
    "Yes, I'm back!" Winter giggled as she flashed me a brighter smile, breaking me out of my embarrassing thoughts. "How-? when-?" I sputtered as so many questions filled my mind. I was still giddily moving on my toes as I sputtered some more and made unreadable hand movements to help me communicate.

     "But she won't be back for long."

    A mysterious voice that sounded of a man made itself known to us. Winter and I's head turned to find out who this person was. Immediately, Winter's eyes narrowed and she spat out a word that I never thought she would say.


    Jacques Schnee's eyes were narrowed as she glared at Winter and I. I looked back and forth between Winter and him, predicting a Schnee conflict. "You are coming home now young lady." Jacques tilted his chin up to state his dominance, but Winter did the same. "No." She replied without hesitation. Jacques's eyes widened as he got agitated. "This is not your choice to choose, Winter. You are coming home with me this instant!" I could only look between the two as the atmosphere around them thickens.
    "And I have already told you my answer! I will not leave Y/n again!" Winter fumed. This statement made my heart soar as I blushed. "You do not belong here! You belong in my company making my money! Not with this Atlas pet!" He jabbed a ginger at me as Winter's face started going red from anger. My anger also started to rise. Pet!?
    "First of all! Y/n! Is not a pet! She is a wonderful person that took care of me when you didn't! Second, you don't care for any of your kids! Including Weiss! You only want us to make your money! That probably the only reason to decided to even get in bed with mom! I mean, you said that you only married mom to steal the name!" Winter was full out screaming at her father now as I was now behind Winter. She had taken steps forward to emphasize how angered she was towards her father. Jacques also made his way to Winter until he was in her face.
    "I don't care how much you care for this pet! And Yes! It is true that I made you for money!" He was also fuming as his voice thundered through the neighborhood. I lightly winced at how Winter was so close to the man's face and the amount of sound that was coming from his mouth. I know it isnt the best to get involved with family conflicts but this has gone too far!
    "Excuse me-" I was suddenly cut off my by head whipping to the left as a hand collided with the right side of my face. I felt metal hit my jaw from a ring. It sounded like thunder and metal against bone as my sight was slightly blurred and the stinging would not go away. My face started to burn and heat up as I felt my cheek. Jacques held his left hand out beside him, signifying that he was the one who had back hand slapped me. His eyes were narrowed and he held no mercy in his eyes. Was it really him who raised Winter?
    Mean while, Winter was facing me and held her hand against my cheek. "Are you okay!?" Her eyes held so much concern as she stared right back into my eyes. I didn't respond though. The thoughts of my former home came flooding through my mind as the familiar stinging sensation started to fade. I started to tremble in fear and anger and Winter noticed that. I grabbed Winters hand that held against my cheek and held it beside me, intertwining our fingers. I could feel my anger rising as I finally looked Jacques in the eye without fear.
    My intense glare drilling wholes through his head. "You think, that slapping me will help at all!? Do you think that screaming at your daughter and telling her that she is worthless is going to gain you 'father points'!? Do you see the roles that are being played right now?! Because right now, your the selfish, obnoxious, hateful father that abuses people when things don't go your way!" I was seething at this point. He dares to call me a pet and call his daughter, the most amazing woman, useless!?
    "I know about your job! I will get you fired! I know General Ironwood too! I can get you killed by your own machinery!" He was running out of threats but he still held on strong. "Do what you want! You won't kill me because I am the only engineer there! Even if it comes down to that, I will not let you touch Winter!" I was practically screaming as Jacques fumed. This is no longer Winter's father.
    He was raising his hand to slap me again, and I made no movement to stop him. When the hand came down, another force stopped it. Winter held Jacques's wrist in place and started to squeeze and twist it with the hand that was not holding mine. "I don't care who you think you are. But you are not going to hurt Y/n again." Winter hissed.
    "If you come back with me and away from this pet you care about so much, you will still be heiress to the Dust company." You could hear the desperation in his voice, trying to get himself out of the hold that Winter had him in. "Jacques, I have thrown the thought of that happening down the drain the moment I thought about running away." Winter twisted his wrist more and let it go. "You're not my father, and you never will be." Winter sneered at Jacques as she led me back inside my home, locking the door behind me.

   We made our way to the couch and we both sat on it, although littered with plastic trays. Winter cringed at the sight but never the less, sat down with me. She stroked the cheek that Jacques had slapped. I winced when she went over the part of my jaw which had been hit by one of his rings. Winter gasped and turned my head to the side so she could get a better look hand still on my cheek.
"Are you okay?" She asked as I nodded my head. "Thank you...Winter." I smiled a bit and leaned inter her hand. I then took hold of it and held it gently as I brought it to my lips and kissed it.
    I could feel the heat increasing and her pulse quicken through her thumb. I smiled. I then took my own hand and cupped her jaw.
I brought our faces close and stopped. "Can I kiss you?" I asked as I licked my lips and stared  down at her lips. Without uttering a word, Winter gently but quickly let our lips collide.
    The kiss was sweet and gentle, but we could both sense the desperation for eachother we had. We had been waiting for so long for this to happen and we didn't even realize it. We pulled away, only to be pulled back in where the kiss was a bit more heated. Reluctantly, we pulled away and stared into eachother's eyes. No words had to be spoken because our eyes told so much. I pulled her into an embrace as she returned it. "I'm sorry about your-er- him." I whispered into her ear. "It's not your fault. He was the worst and you are the best." I smiled and nussled my face into her hair as it was down and smelt good.

"I love you..."

"I love you too, Princess"

(7 Years Later)

   "And that was how we became a couple" I beamed as Team RWBY sat in amazement with stars in their eyes. "Wait, so my Father slapped you!?" Weiss whisper-shouted. "Yup, the bruise wouldn't go away though." I turned my head The the side and showed them the bruise that was a short purple line from the ring. "That is awesome!!" Yang yelled as I chuckled. "Shh! Yang be quiet." Ruby nodded her head towards Winter, who was cutely laying her head in my lap and sleeping as I swept my fingers through her hair.
    She usually has it in a bun now for professional reasons but she let it out just so I could run my hair through it. I let one of my eyebrows raise and a smirk play on my face as I faced the team once again. "So how are WhiteRose and Bumblebee coming along." I looked at their seating positions as the sisters sat beside eachother and their girlfriends sat beside them. Weiss had a protective hold on Ruby's hand as she intertwined their fingers on her lap. Yang had her arm (*fall of Beacon flashbacks*)  around Blake's shoulders as Blake leaned into Yang's side and purred a bit. Everyone on the team blushed except for Yang, who played a smirk on her face as well. "It's going real well." For that, Yang got a playful elbow to the side from Ruby who shook her head but wore a smile anyways. "Aye, that hurt." Yang and Ruby laughed as Weiss and Blake both stared at the sisters with weird looks.
   Suddenly, Winter began to stur in my lap. I looked down towards her and she reached for my jaw. She cupped it and leaned up a bit as I leaned down. We captured eachothers lips in a kiss that we would never get tired of.

"I love you..."

"I love you too, Princess."

Yuri Oneshots?? (X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now