Kanan x Cold!Reader

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I was taking off my diving suit as I see a girl at the shore. She was just sitting there as her (H/c) hair danced across her face when the wind blew. Her face held no emotion, which intrigued me. Wouldn't she feel at peace?
I decided to go talk to her.

While I was walking towards her, she spotted me and gave me an icy glare. I was a little bit taken back but I proceeded to walk towards her.
She decided to revert her gaze to the water. When I sat next to her, she didn't even look at me.

"Hello." I said.

"Hi" she replied.

"So...I see at school sometimes..." the awkward atmosphere was suffocating me.

"is that so?" she answered with sarcasm in her voice.
There was silence for a bit.

"so...your not going to leave are you?" She asks


"Then I will leave. "

With that she gets up and walks away.

-(Time Skip:At school)-

I was practicing on the roof with the rest of the girls when I see her again.

She was sitting on the bench with one leg crossed over the other. I walked to her as I greeted her a hello.

"your still not going to have a conversation with me are you?"
She then gets up the bench, but I quickly grabbed her wrist.
"let go."
Then she starts walking away...dragging me with her. Damn this girl is strong.

I was struggling to gain footing but I  accidentaly released her wrist, causing her to launch forward.
In attempt to stop herself from falling, she takes another step forward, but that wasn't a very good idea because when she took a step, her leg straightened and her knee absorbed the impact.

I could hear her breath hitch as she tried to calm herself down. "Uh...I'm so sorry! Do you need help!?" I yelled running towards her.
"I don't need help. Just go away." She started to limp away.
"At least let me take you home" I rub the back of my neck embarrassingly.
"......fine. "

-(Time Skip)-

Once we arrived at her house, we said our good byes.
"Oh! Uh...Kanan-Chan....thanks"
"No pro-"
That was all I could say before she gives me a quick peck on the lips and slams the door.

The friggin hell just happened.

I thought about what had just happened while I was making my way home.

I touched my lips and smiled like I had won the lottery.

-(Time Skip:Next few days)-

Guess who refuses to talk to me again!! Yeah you got that right! (Y/n)!

This girl is going to be the death of me. So she hates me. Then kisses me. Raises my hopes. Then crushes them like a wrecking ball going through a building with paper walls.

Sometimes I would go to the bathroom and I would see her there. She would kiss me then walk away.
And then the process of ignoring me once again.

Today I went to the bathroom again and say her. She starts to make her way to me but I stop her.
"Why do you do these things?" I ask with hurt face. "Because I can." She says, as cold as ever.
"Just let me at least confess my feelings." I pleaded. "No. " she simply replied, and walked away with half of my heart that she had broken.

-(Time Skip: Few Hours After School)-

Does she even like me. Doubtful. Sure I'm part of an idol group. I hate this. I hate this thing that keeps going on. Let me just end it then.

I decided to go to her house. I didn't bother to change out of my uniform.

I knocked on her door twice.

The door creaked open and I saw (Y/n) standing there with short shorts and a big shirt on. I probably blushed but that was the least of my problems.

"What do you want. " she asked, coldly...once again.

"I want you to tell me why you keep on doing theses things to me"

She face showed some slight confusion. Sensing that, I continue.

"Why do you kiss me? why do you ignore me? Why do you raise my hopes only to crush them?" I bombarded her with questions.


"Do you even care?" I asked.


"If you don't want me near you, just say so, so that I won't get hurt." Tears were now forming in my eyes.

"No but-"

"Okay." With that I turn around and start walking home without looking back.

Tears freely flow down my cheecks. Now I really know that she didn't like me.  If she really did like me, she would've grabbed me wrist, or at least called out for me. Instead I got nothing but her door closing.

She probably sighed in relief when she closed the door.

-(Time Skip:Next day)-

I didn't bother going to school today. This girl got me messed up. She changed me too I guess. By now, the group would be having lunch. 

I decided to go diving. I didn't bother putting on an oxygen tank though. They were too heavy and they would get in the way.

Without a second thought, I dove into water. My foot touched some kelp near the bottom. As I tried to re-surface, but the piece of kelp was tightly wrapped around my ankle. Wth! I tried to untie the kelp but I soon realized that I was loosing too much air from panicking. My strength was starting to drift away as my arms felt weak. My vision started to darken until a dark figure jumped into the water and pulled me onto deck.

I coughed and sputtered as I was regaining my conscience. I turn my head for my eyes to be met with (E/c) ones. Her cloths were soaked as she sat with her arms hugging her knees to her chest.

"Uh...hey..." I say with a weakened voice.

"Idiot. "


"You idiot...I like you too...and you tried to drown yourself!" She suddenly yelled.

"I wasn't-"

"No you were! Do you know what I would've done if you actually died!? I would never forgive myself!"

"D-did you say that you liked me...too?" I questioned with disbelief in my eyes.

Her anger suddenly turned into embarrassment. "W-what if I did?" Aww! She stuttered!

"WELL I LIKE YOU TOO!" I exclaimed as I sat up to engulf her into a tight hug. "Ugh... your all slimy." She said with disgust. "You are too!" I pouted.

Then she laughed.


"Why are you staring at me like that?"

"Y-you laughted!"


"I like it when you laugh."

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