(RWBY) Yang! x Short!Cute!Reader

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(Your POV)

"Fluffy, fluffy bunny~" I sang as I laid on the bed with the stuffed toy that Yang gave me this morning. She wasn't in her room right now so I hung out at mine for the time being because we had different class scheduals. I sniffed the bunny and could smell a bit on Yang on it. I smiled to myself as I hummed lightly.
Snuggling closer to the bunny, I brought my legs up to my chest while laying on my side, fully embracing the bunny.
I closed my eyes for a while, deciding that a quick nap wouldn't hurt.

(Yang's POV)

"Aurgh...I'm so exhausted! Prof. Port's stories are so long and boring..." I groaned as I walked back to my room along side my team. "You were sleeping the whole class. How would you know that his stories were boring?" Weiss stated in her usual sassy manner that sometimes got on my nerves. I sighed, "whatever. When I see my bed I am going to..." I trailed off as I pass by a familiar door, "y'know What? You guys go on without me. I'm going to hang with Y/n the rest of the day." I smiled as I told my team. Ruby smiled knowingly and Blake just smirked. Weiss, however, just nodded and kept on walking.

I slowly open the door of Y/n's team, making sure that her team mates weren't with her. Thankfully, all that was seen was a mound on Y/n's bed. I chuckle lightly to myself and make my way to her bed after closing the door behind me. Careful not to wake her, I lift up the blanket that hid Y/n under it. The sight melted my heart.
Y/n had the bunny I gave her in her arms as her legs were close to her chest while she was lying on her side. I smiled and slipped into the bed, facing her. I pulled the blanket back on top of us and wrapped my arm around Y/n. Slowly, she bagan to lower her legs from her chest and entertwined them with my own, shifting closer to me. How did I get so lucky for me to get to see this adorable sight?
Y/n then reached out her hand and pet my hair on top of my head. I was about o say a remark about watching the hair but she murmured under her breath. "Fluffy, fluffy bunny~ just like Yang~" she sang and smiled a bit as she said the last part quietly like she was guilty of something. I couldn't help but widen my smile as I pulled Y/n closer to myself. It was only a matter of time before she woke up.
When she woke up, all she saw were my breasts. Blushing lightly, she looked up and looked me in the eyes. She smiled and hugged me tighter. "Woah there, tiger." I said a bit strained as she was crushing me. She maybe shorter than me but she had a great deal of power in her. It's useful for later scenarios (😉). "Ah. Sorry." She apologized and gave me an apologetic smile. I couldn't stay strong as I gave in and hugged her tighter as well. "Don't apologize. You're too cute to do that." I mumble into her hair as I place my hand behind her head and my other hand on her waist. She nodded and clung onto my stomach. I heavily blushed. Omg. Omg. Omg. Omg. Omg. Omg. Too cute. Too cute. Too cute!
"I missed you." Y/n said into my chest. "I missed you too." I responded as I ran my hand through her hair. In response I started to hear soft snores, indicating that my girlfriend had fallen asleep in my arms.

I am so lucky...

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