(Love Live Sunshine) Eli x Dying!Fem!Reader

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(Eli's POV)

My girlfriend and I were in a empty classroom after she called me here. Usually I would be doing council work but this was an exeption.

"Eli...do you love me?" She asked voice shaky. "Of course! Why would you ask that?!" I asked frantically. "...because you need to stop." She replied with hatred in her voice.
My heart shattered like a glass vase that fell from 60 feet in the air. "W-wait...you're telling me that you want to break up?" Tears were now streaming down my face. She only responded with a quick nod. "Then what were all those cuddle nights for?! And when I would comfort you? You're just going to throw all of that away?" I yelled. Her gaze suddenly softens. "N-no! Um...I-I just think that it's better for us..." she said shyly, like she was afraid.
I scoffed. "Did you ever love me? Was any of that real??" I asked, hands pulling at my hair.
She looked at the ground. She hesitated. I scoffed once again. "You know what? No. I not dealing with this right now." I turn to leave the classroom. This was unusual for me. I was usually understanding and kind.

"Wait! Eli-" she grabbed the edge of my uniform shirt. "Let go! I don't want to see again!" I get my shirt out of her grasp. "But let me just expl-" that was it.


Her head whipped to the left as my right hand collided her cheeck.

I glared at her as she looked at me in horror and I walked away.

I know I shouldve composed myself as part of the council and that she was going to tell someone who would start telling everyone. I didn't care.

-(Time Skip: Home)-

"Stupid (Y/n)!" I yelled. "STUPID STUPID STUPID!!" I screamed into my pillow.

My parents were out and so was my sister. So I could rant all I wanted.

"You wanted to play with my feelings! You freaking broke me!! You stupid-"

I got cut off by my own thoughts. I remember the way she smiled when I bought her ice cream. How her eyes would broghten when I kissed her. The way she would blush when I told her that I loved her.

It was all gone.

My tears were streaming down my face and wetting the pillow bellow me.

I then remember her face when I slapped her.
The horror in her eyes, but it wasnt because she wasn't expecting it, it was a face of horror that looked like she didn't know that I could hit that hard.

"I hate you!!" I yelled again.

-(Time Skip: Next Day)-

I walked into school without any problem.
She hasn't told anyone about me hitting her?

Then I thought about how I acted towards her. That wasn't me. I was kind, not short tempered.

Then I heard whispers. But they weren't whispers about me, it was about (Y/n).

"Did you here? (Y/n) collapsed yesterday"

"(Y/n) was acting weird."

I could care less about (Y/n) right now. I was more worried about my reputation at school than of my gir- ...ex.

-(Time Skip: Two Months Later)-

I have been noticing that (Y/n) has been carrying a bigger and what looked like a heavier backpack.
She often went to excuse herself from classes now. She looked paler. Skinnier.

Until she stopped coming to school.

I thought that she was just expelled from school for excusing herself too many times.

Till one day.

I was studying for an upcoming test when I hear a knock on my door.
To my surprise, it was (Y/n)'s mom. She looked upset. Did she find out that I slapped her?

I opened the door with a fake smile. "Hello Mrs.(Y/l/n)!" I say with a happy tone.

"I'm sorry Eli...I'm sorry that I have to tell you this."

Then unknown emotions erupted in my stomach. Fear, sadness, rage, what the hell, I didn't even know if that has to do with (Y/n).

"Oh...um...is something wrong?" I asked, concerned. 
I single tear slipped out of (Y/n)'s mother.

"(Y/n)...sh-She's dead"

My knees buckled and I fell to the ground.
I bursted out sobbing as her mother hugged me while she sunk to the floor with me.

Rage, sadness...guilt...loneliness...

As I started to calm down, (Y/n)'s mother gave me a box as she started to go home. "Do you know why she died?" I asked her mother. "You will know soon enough." She responded.

The box was a simple wooden one. It would flip open from the top.

When I opened it, there were letters. Lots. I picked one up and unfolded it.

'Dear Eli,

           You have beautiful blue eyes. The way they smile along with all your other features. The way the shine a brightly. The way they get change brightness according to your mood. Everything.

           I love you, Eli.

              Love, (Y/n)'

Tears spilled out of my eyes as I read every single one. Each one contained a reason why she loved me. Why she cared. And why she would do anything for me. Until one more was left. And it was by far the longest.

'Dear Eli,

           That day I broke up with you. That day I broke your heart. That day you slapped me, but I didn't care. I was kinda surprised you could hit that hard. Hahah!!
        Yup. I still got humor in me. Even when I'm dying. I still love you. I tried to make you stop loving me so that it wouldn't bring you more pain. I wanted you to hate me. I unfortunately, couldn't insult you. You were just too beautiful. Heh.
          I was going to tell you why but you stomped away before I could tell you why I had to. I didn't tell anyone that you hit me. I knew you would worry about your school reputation and I'm okay with that. You also probably saw me carrying a bigger bag. It was a bag that carried my oxygen equipment. It was getting harder and harder for me to breath so I excused myself so that wouldn't see me.

       The day before, I was diagnosed with cancer. Yes...the one with the required medicine that would make you loose your hair. I stopped going to school because I didn't want you to see me like this. And even if you did see me you would pity me. You would've forgiven me. I don't want you to forgive me.

By now I'm probably dead. The nurses probably searched everywhere to see if I would leave behind anything. They found this. They would give it to my mom. My mom would open one and see that it was addressed to you. And got to your door giving the box to you.
    Phsykick. I know.
          You probably hate yourself now. Don't. It was my cost, my mistake.
          I love you, Eli
                   Your ex lover, (Y/n)'

"I love you too, (Y/n)"


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