Not Yuri but an intresting dream that i really want to share with you guys....

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As you can tell by the title, this is not a X Reader Yuri oneshot...I'm really sorry. I was thinking about what I could write about but fell asleep. Now, I have this exciting dream that I had. It was by far my favorite. It may have some previous crushes and info that you may not understand, but I will explain it to you.


Also, I'm going to be telling the story like I tell my friends. That is because everyone is my friend here. That includes side notes and some sarcasm.

This is going to be long so take a seat, connect to WiFi, grab a snack, don't grab your friend cuz that's gonna distract you unless you're reading it to eachother, and enjoy!!!

It was summer break so my mother and I went on a vacation at a town far away. Why was my father not there? I have no idea, I guess he just didn't want to go.
So, my mother and I stayed at a hotel that was about the width all around (except the height) of a kitchen. Not a big kitchen, but a medium sized kitchen. This being said, each family had their own floor. So, the hotel was really tall.
For some reason, the architects were like "Okay, this thing right here is weird so let's just make it weirder by painting the whole thing black." So yeah, the hotel was black with two windows on each floor. This is how detailed my dreams can get when I remember them.
After we put our stuff down, we traveled to this place where it was a city like New York, but it had less buildings. Much less buildings. Suddenly, this plane thingy-majiger, comes out of no where and starts to drop other paper planes that when they make contact with something solid, it will explode.
That's when I discovered this girl that was just standing there aimlessly, and she didn't know what was going on and a paper air plane started coming at her and I was all like, "NOoooOOooo..." in slow motion and pushed her out of the way. Then this weapon crystallized into my hand and it was like a sharp wand that had a thick (Lenny face) handle made out of wood. And when I swung it hard enough, these small but dangerous bubbles would come out of it or a slash of a whip would hit the thing, destroying it instantly. The bubbles did not float, they freaking flew.
So, when I took the wand thing and swiped it arcoss the air towards the paper airplane, it destroyed the paper plane and it didn't explode. After discovering my weapon, I decided to just get rid of the airplane itself to stop the chaos. I then started fighting along side the girl that I saved and she said that she was a Maid. She wore leather cloths that looked totally badass and stuff. She also had tan skin and short green hair. Kinda like Emerald in RWBY. These types of Maids in this AU are well respected worriers that would protect people from these dismembered and weird monsters. So I'm gonna call these monsters "Frolocs". So this Maid and I took down the plane, or one of the modernized Frolocs, and she led me to a Maid Convention.
This Maid Convention is where Maids would be trained into well respected warriors. Like hell I was excited because I heard that Maids were really cool and I would be able to meet them. On the way there she told me that I was a chosen Maid because of the way I would sacrifice myself. She knew because a weapon appeared into my hands. I was wearing jeans then, so I took my weapon out of my back pocket. The wand was collapsable so I wouldn't have something poking out of my pants.
When we got to the convention, it was kind of like a subway waiting area except without the subway and the tracks. There were Maids everywhere and they all had leather clothing but all clothing looked different. The girl took me to the counter where I got my own Maid clothing.
I was so happy about it. If you asking where my mom went, I really have no clue. She disappeared for the rest of the dream.
So I put on my knew badass looking cloths and as someone would normally do, I stood in the mirror and did some punches just to see how cool I looked. (Asian girl in leather??? Don't know if I really looked that cool but I thought it did.) My cloths had their own handle holder on my back. So I made my way out of the bathroom then suddenly, the convention place looked like my middle school's lunch room but without all the tables. Obviously, I didn't question it cuz I was too happy to even be surrounded by these people.
The Maids all looked to be around my age. Which is about during your high school life age. Then I ran into this guy that I used to go to school with and was my bestfriend and crush....yeah...even in my dreams he's there. But I don't have a crush on him anymore. So I saw him in his VERY badass looking leather clothes, cuz being cool is all about leather. He friggin stood there looking at me in all his glory and I was thinking "boi, stap, if you make me like you again, I will not stop coming at you until you love me." That was a whole new experience because I didn't feel that attracted to a guy until then. Please don't judge me. The thing is, we haven't contacted eachother for a whole year now so the immediate thing that I say to him was. "SO THIS WAS WHERE YOU WERE ALL THIS TIME?!" If I could slap myself with a duplicate of me, I would have about a thousand times, but this time, I would do it so hard that I would get knocked out.
He just scratched the back of his neck so shyly, I wanted to hug him so hard. He was like "yeah...sorry" but everything was good cuz we hugged and stuff. In my head I was thinking "I must protec this child". So then I saw his weapon and it was a freaking Katana. A katana. Thing that could slice through a freaking tree. Meanwhile, I just pulled out(Lenny face) my wand. The weird part was that he started fanboy-ing over it and I was like "wut??" So he took my weapon and made a motion of hitting something with it and a freaking knife came out of it. Then he made a stabbing motion for the other side of the handle and another knife came out. Then he made a punching motion with it and a third knife came out and I was loosing it. It looked like this.

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