Juvia x Fem!Neko!Bullied.Emotionless!Tomboy!Reader

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⚠️Trigger Warning ⚠️
(Forgot to put the warning first time I published it...woops...)

The bullying doesn't make me sad. It doesn't make me mad either. People do it because I'm half cat half human. Ya know those "cute" little Chibi things. Hah. Comedy.

No. Only few people adore the look. Some people get agitated because they think too many people are in to anime and are going onto streets looking like this. But when a masked mysterious man walks through town, they immediately pay his respect. WHAT HAS THIS TOWN COME TO!?

I pull up my hoodie as I walk through the streets on my way to the guild hall. I'm not a mage but I have a lot of streangth.

The minute I walk through the guild hall Gray puts his arm around me. Yup. His sweaty (I thought ice mages don't get hot?)armpit is now on my neck. "Hey! MY favorite guild member! How are we doin!?" Gray emphasizes the "my" in his sentence. Oh. The guild also doesn't know about me being bullied. Hah.

"OI! Ice Princess! Get your hands off of-"

"LOVE RIVAL" Juvia cuts off Natsu. L-love Rival. Yeah. That's all I am to her. Just a stupid little "love rival"

You don't know how many times I have tried to confess my love to her. Of course the only response I get is "Love Rival" I would Kill myself if i ever say that I wasn't hurt by her remarks.

"J-Juvia. I don't want to be your love rival." I try to hide the fact that my heart had already shattered just from hearing her say that phrase. "Yes you do! You think you can rival Juvia! I will show you that Gray loves Juvia and only Juvia!" She responds.

I actually hear my nonexistent heart shatter when she pulls Gray off of me and kisses him. When they pull away, Juvia looks at me, victory evident on her face. "See! Gray loves JUVIA not YOU! So why won't you go away and join some other dark guild that will accept you!" The whole guild flinches.


A single tear slides down my face as I look at Juvia in horror. She hates me...

I quickly take out my collapsible dagger and cut off the skin that had my guild mark on it. Blood gushed out of the wound and more tears slipped out of my eyes. It hurts...

I threw the piece of skin down onto the wood floor, staining it with my blood. "I-if that's what you really want Juvia I'll do it! If you want me to quite the guild, ILL DO IT! I HOPE YOU'RE HAPPY I-I loved y-you..." I murmured the last part. I look back and look at the guild members who either fainted or was looking at me with shock. I fixed my face into a glare and tried to ignore the pain.

"Good Bye."

With that I walk out the guild doors somewhere where I would not be bothered so I could heal myself and my broken heart.

-(Juvia's POV)-

The doors slam closed and everyone flinches.

Juvia is mad. But Juvia feels...guilty. No need to worry! Juvia has Gray now! All to herself!

"JUVIA!" a stern voice yells. Erza. I turn around.


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