(RWBY) Pyrrah x Fem!Reader!(Fluff)

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"I know you love me...." Pyrrha sat next to me on my bed. I turned away and pouted. "Not after you ate my snickers bar that I was saving."
"Awe...sweaty, please...I want attention!!" She dramatically leaned on my shoulder. She began to slide off of me but she made no move to steady herself, causing her head to land in my lap. "Kiss me." She reaches up and wraps her arms around my neck. "Hah...just kidding." She quickly says when I don't respond. Smirking to myself, I lower my head down to hers.
Gently, I brush the bangs away that covered her eyes. Pyrrha blushed as I carressed her jaw and pressed our foreheads together. "I love you." I murmured against her lips before attaching my lips to her's. She lets out a little moan as our lips move in sync with eachother.
Our lips detach and Pyrrha leans up enough so we are both sitting straight up. I peck her lips and tackle her to the bed. We lay there for a long time.
Playing with Pyrrah's hair has always comforted me. When I did so, she would hum and muzzle into my body more causing my stomach to flutter. This time was no different.
Pyrrha had her head comfortably nuzzeled my neck and shoulder, letting her breath hit my neck. I ran my fingers through her red locks and played with them, making little braids or just running my hands through them.
I kissed her forehead and felt her let out a content sigh. I hummed a little song and traced the shell of Pyrrah's ear, feeling her shiver.
"I like it when you touch me, Y/n. It's quite comforting." Pyrrah speaks up from my neck. "You like it?" I questioned. "Yeah... it's nice..."
After a while of silence, Pyrrah's breathing became steady and slow, signalling that she had fallen asleep.

"I love you so much."

( it's short but it not painful so this should be okay...?)

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