Fem!Jellal! x Heartbroken!Fem!Reader

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"Hey (Y/n)"

"Kay mom! Bye! I'm gonna head over to school now!" I quickly put on my shoes and ran out the door. I mounted my bike and sped down the road to school. I was in such a hurry, I missed the sad look on my mother's face.

I was excited to see my girlfriend after this weekend. Some family arrangements were made unexpectedly and Jellal, my Girlfriend, and I were not able to see eachother so I will catch up with her at school!

"...when I first met you, I thought you were ignorant and childish. Turns out it was me that was childish ..."

I got off my bike and met up with my friends in my class. I looked over to where Jellal's seat was but she wasn't there. Maybe she's running a bit late.

I sat down in my seat next to her's and rested my head on the desk. So bored.

"...you accepted me for who I was. No matter how many times I would hurt your feelings or completely ignore you, you still looked at me with the same gentle eyes..."

The school bell rings and Jellal is still not here. I guess she's sick. I'll check up on her after school.
Class then starts and our teacher strolls into the room. Blah blah blah- y times x blah.

"...even when I had acknowledged my feelings for you, my love only grew. I also grew into a different person than who I was before I met you..."

Before I knew it, I was thinking all about Jellal.
She was a fragil girl, yet people see her as the strongest and bravest around. She gets lonely sometimes and even cries. She never let anyone but me see the real her.
On the outside she was a brave student council president with straight 'A's. But when she's with me, she's almost like glass. One little stumble and she'll break.
I was lost in my daydream about Jellal and before long it was time to go home.

"...because of this, I started to run away. I was scared of my feelings for you. Even when I had said I had no feelings for you, you still chased after me. When we had our first kiss, I honestly thought I would be allowed to love you forever...

I stopped at a local market to get water and sweets for Jellal and I when I would visit her. I ran into one of Jellal's many fans and we talked a bit. After our conversation I paid for the food and drinks I got.

"...ever since that day, everyday that I spend with you, I think of how I could express my feelings towards you as you did towards me. I liked to try new things with you, I loved learning more about you the most. Your favorite color, your favorite TV show, and even your favorite blanket..."

I quickly ran home to change my cloths. I put on extra make up to look good for her. I changed from my uniform into a t shirt and jeans. I quickly informed mom that I was going to visit Jellal, who was sick.

"...I even stole one of your notebooks to see what kind of clichés you were into. And the bracelets you got for me and you to match, I treasure with all my heart. I have fallen so in love with you everyday to a point where I can not return..."

I swiftly rode my bike out into the street nearly crashing into some pedestrians. Omg that was close.

"...mean while My heart began to ache because I realized that your love for me, is what will leave you broken-hearted. My guilt is now heavier and unbearable the more I receive this love that you give to me so easily..."

I knock on the door of Jellal's home but find that it was left unlocked.
I hesitantly walked in with my bag of sweets and drinks.
"Hello?" I call out, but there was silence.
I walk to Jellal's room and discover that her bed was empty and neatly folded with a letter on top of it.

"...But to my regret, I have agreed that in the near future, I will marry my fiancé and inherit their company share. I told your mother about the marriage, but asked her to not mention it to you. For your sake, I have chosen this path that I have decided myself.

Therefor, from now on, I no longer associate with you at school or as a visitor in my home.
I will not be able to ever see you again, because I know that the moment I look into your gentle eyes, I will change my path. That is why I have written all my feelings on this note, including everything that I felt from when I first met you until now.

I love you.

Please forgive your weak and selfish girlfriend."


Tears roll down my eyes and onto the note with the nearest handwriting ever. I fall into my side on the bed and clutch at the pillow from below me.
I let go all of my feelings and let out and agonizing wail that echoed throughout the house which I used to love, to come to and feel safe.
I let out another wail of grief as tears are no longer contained and spilled onto the pillow, soaking the covers.
I shook violently as I tried to calm myself down. Nothing seemed to work.

I was having a panic attack. Alone.
I started to hyperventilate and shake uncontrollably.

"NO! Please! You can't do this to me! Please...." I gripped harder onto the pillow occasionally hitting it.

My chest suddenly got tighter and it got harder to breath. I was now gasping for air as immense pain came from my chest.

Then everything just went black.

"I love you"

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