Busy!Embarressed!Levy! x Fem!Affectionate!Reader!

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Levy was currently sitting at one if the tables studying a new spell that she saw someone use at the tournament.  Little did she know, a certain someone was feeling lonely and left out.

"Levy! It's been 2 days and you still haven't talked to me!" The (h/c) colored girl let out a sigh and plopped down onto the seat next to her girlfriend.  She wrapped an arm around Levy's waist only for Levy to wriggle out of it.
"what's wrong Levy?" Y/n was concerned for her. "we are at the guild Y/n. People will see. Plus, I'm studying" Levy said, not taking her eyes off the book. "you've been studying for days! Please take a rest at least, and the guild already knows we're dating." Y/n's face still showed concern. Levy turned the page in the book she was reading. Y/n, suddenly entranced started to play with Levy's hair, only for Levy to  lean away, hair out of Y/n's reach. She slouched and rested her head against the table with a huff, frustrated. "Does it embarrass you?" Levy didn't respond so Y/n took it as a yes. Once again, She tried to show affection to the blue haired bookworm, only to be greeted with an irritated Levy. "Go read a book." Levy grabbed a random book that she felt was very big and would probably take her days to finish reading, and gave it to Y/n, who only sweat dropped. "Fine."

-(Time Skip: Few Hours Later)-

Levy place her book down flat on the table and let out a sigh. I'll just take a quick break. She looked to her left and found an intranced Y/n in her own little mind movie, scanning the words in the book, eager to find what happenes in the lines. Cute. Levy thought. "Y/n, I'm done studying, let's go home." Levy told the (H/c) girl. "K" Y/n replied simply, folding a corner, closing her book and started walking out the door with it. Levy soon followed her girlfriend out the guild doors.

-(Time Skip: Arriving at Apartment/Dorm)-

Levy closed the door behind her and Y/n as Y/n raced to the couch and opened her book once again, picking up from where she left off.
The walk to where they lived was mostly Y/n talking- well- spoiling the book for Levy, but she didn't mind.

"Hey, Y/n, tomorrow do you want to go to the festival with me and the rest of the team?" Levy asked Y/n with her back towards her, reaching for some food in the pantry. There was no response, however. Levy turned around and saw her girlfriend once again fully immersed into the book she had given her.

Now the blue haired girl was a bit jealous of the book. It had all of Y/n's attention on it, and none on Levy. Levy sat next to her on the couch and tried to get her attention.



"I'm not studying anymore."


"Can I have a kiss?"


Sensing that she wasn't listening in the slightest, Levy asked more daring questions.

"Can I have the last of your food?"


"Y/n, I'm pregnant."


Bewildered, levy slumped down into the couch. Y/n was usually never like this. Levy was used to the ever so affectionate Y/n who would pester her with compliments and annoy her with cheesy jokes that were so bad they were hilarious.
The y/n now was quiet and consentrated. Totally immersed into something that was other than Levy. Levy misses the out going part of Y/n.
Now she was getting a bit angered at the fact that Y/n was now leaving her alone.

"Y/n~" Levy said to Y/n as she traced her fingertips from her waist to her shoulder to the top of her ear. Y/n only nodded. "Y/n! Do something with meeee!" Levy pleaded with the (h/c) haired mage. "Not now Levy, maybe later." Levy decided to try and distract her.

She cupped Y/n's jaw and gave her ear a nibble. At that moment a gasp was heard and Levy was eager to talk to a her girlfriend. "Yay! You finally-" she was interrupted. "Nuuuuu! Why!? She was such a good person" Y/n started shouting at the book. Immediately, above Levy's head appeared an irk mark. "Who was such a good person?" Annoyed at the fact that her girlfriend was talking about another girl. This time, Y/n actually answered her question. "She was this really pretty woman with blue hair and she's really seductive in this book. She seems like a really rude person but in reality she was this really badass spy that captures her target by seducing them but she doesn't actually do anything with them, she just kinda lures them there. But it really sad because right when she felt like she didn't want to kill or hurt anyone anymore, she finds a boyfriend but the boyfriend was secretly the son of one of her target that she previously captured so he tried to- Mmmhp!?" Levy cuts off Y/n with her own lips and stays there for a while. Y/n starts to kiss back with equal the force until they brok away.

"I hate you having all your attention on that book....and that girl." Levy crosses her arms and turns her head to the side. Like a little kid...Y/n thought. She still smiled though. "Awe, Levy. Did you get jealous?" Y/n makes her way to levy on the couch. Levy doesn't make a move but answers quickly. "Yes."

In less than a second, she felt a tongue run up her neck as she let out a gasp. "W-w-what was that for?!" "I'm going to treat you tonight okay?" Y/n said as she continued to sit on levy's lap, carful to not put her full weight on her.

Let your imagination run wild....

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