Annie x Fem!Reader

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(Your POV)
I was sparring with Mikasa after I convinced her to give Eren a break. What I didn't expect was for her to actually spar with me. She's the freaking Mikasa, The Mikasa.
I'm going to die.
I try to sweep her legs from under her, but being the soldier she is, she dodges and gets me into a choke hold.
The air was cut off from my lungs and I can see my vision darkening.
No mercy huh?
Struggling, I tap on her arm before she kills me. Still, she doesn't loosen her grip. "M-Mikasa..."
I choke out. "Are you trying to kill her!?" Annie. Oh boy, did you have a crush on her!
Mikasa releases you from her grip and you fall to the ground gasping for air. "What's wrong with you!?" Annie yells at Mikasa. "The question is, what is wrong with her." She simply replies. "We are supposed to train with them, not kill them!" Annie emphasizes the "kill". Mikasa only stares at Me. Annie growls and pulls you up to your feet. You were sure your were blushing, but because of you almost choked to death, it was normal for you to have heavy breathing and  a red face. She pulls you into her barracks as you were still blushing and breathing heavily. "Are you okay?" She asked. For some reason, she sounded a little concerned for you. You brushed it off because you knew it was just your brain playing with your feelings. "Y-yeah, I'm okay. Thanks for getting Mikasa off me." I quickly bowed and exited the barracks.

(Annie's POV)
Her eyes...oh those (e/c) eyes. They drive me crazy. Everyone thinks she likes Eren. I thought so too. I know because every time I catch her staring at me, it would be because Eren was there infront of me or beside me.

I was looking for someone to spar with, until I saw Mikasa and (Y/n) sparring. I looked st them with jealously.
Suddenly, (Y/n) tries to sweep Mikasa off her feet but it doesn't work. Mikasa then gets her into a choke hold. I wait patiently for her to release (Y/n) from her hold but she doesn't. I see (Y/n) tapping Mikasa's arm but she doesn't pay attention. She going to freaking kill her!! I start walking towards them. "Are you trying to kill her!?" I yell, and Mikasa releases her from her grip. "What is wrong with you!?" I yell again. "The question is, what is wrong with her." She says. "We are supposed to train with them not kill them!" I shout at Mikasa and she stays quiet. I then lead (Y/n) my my barracks to let her rest. After I asked her if she was okay, she said that she was okay and she left. Did I do something wrong?
I'll just tell her to meet inside my barracks during dinner.

(Your POV)
It was during dinner when Annie tapped me from behind. "Hey, what's up?" I congratulate myself mentally for not stuttering. " me in my barracks in a little bit." She says. Did she find out!? Well, great timing to confess though.
Once I got into her barracks, I hear her call me.
"(Y/n)" I jumped at the voice. "Y-yeah?" I ask. "I need help." I could feel my cheeks glow red. Why would Annie need help from me!? ME!? "W-well... what's your problem?" I ask nervously. "Well...I told my crush that I liked girls..." she started. At that statement I could feel my heart slowly sink. So she already has a crush...I guess I should just give up. "So...?" I trailed off to let Annie continue. "...she didn't seem to mind, or get that I was crushing on her. After all, she was the only one who knew." She added. Oh. My heart shattered like a glass vase that fell off of a high shelf. I tried to calm myself down and once I did I responded with an 'okay'. " do I confess to her?" She asked, with sincere question. "Just say 'I like you a lot' and slam your lips onto hers." I answered, a bit harsher than what I expected to come out. She looked a little bit taken back and I took that as my que to leave. I was halfway through the door when I heard her call my name but I didn't look back. I was already crying. I cant let her see me like this.

(Annie's POV)
"Just say 'I like you a lot' and slam your lips onto hers." She says very harshly. What the hell!? That was freaking hot!! Fierce (Y/n)!?! Yes!
Then she started stomping out of my barracks. "Wait! (Y-" she then slams the door. Does she hate me? Is that the reason she said that sentence so harshly? Why is she mad at me? Now I have no chance with her. Stupid Annie!

(Your POV)
It has been a few days since Annie asked me for advice. During those few days, I see Mikasa and Annie walking around the training grounds. Sparring with each other. The occasional bickering. I guess it turned out better for her.

(Annie's  POV)
Annie had asked Mikasa for advice on how to get your crush to like you. They often talked about it while walking on the training grounds and sparring with each other. Then they would argue about who was better, (Y/n) or Eren.
Annie has been noticing that (Y/n) has been crying for some apparent reason. She never saw her cry, it was only the occasional wiping beneath the eye while they were red. When can she notice me? (Notice me Sempai!!) I've had enough of her ignoring me. I'm going to take her advice.
I walk up to (Y/n) while she was taking a break from sparing with another cadet, obviously winning. She had taken her jacket off so she was left in a thin long sleeved shirt, sweat making the cloth transparent. Oh my... I tap her on the shoulder and she turns around.
I grab her by the collar and pull her down to me. Yes, (Y/n) is taller than me. She gasps when our faces are inches away from each other. "I like you a lot." I say and smash our lips together. After a while, she kisses back.
Suddenly, fireworks trail from my chest to my arms and legs.
When we pulled away, she was grinning like she just won money.

"I like you too" she said with that same idiotic grin.

"Your own medicine was used against you."

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