(RWBY)Blake! x Vampire!Fem!Reader

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(Your POV)

    I, Y/n l/n, am a vampire. Well, I guess a vampire Faunus...it's complicatated. Ya see, my dad was a vampire and my mom was human. So when I was born, I gained most of my father's vampire traits, including the need for blood. The only difference is that I don't have the ability to turn humans or faunuses into vampires. I guess that's a plus. I also only need to replenish my need for blood once a week. That is also a plus. There for I have one source of blood. I also have one crush. Ironically, it's the same person, Blake Belladonna. I get to spend at least one full day with her each week, which not surprisingly, is the day that I replenish my need for blood. The only downside is that if I procrastinate on that due date, I will start to starve. It doesn't matter how much food I eat, my starvation is only satisfied with blood. Blake great fully understands this and promised to keep me replenished each week until I found a partner who will accept me and let me feed off of their blood. Oh, and there is another down side. It's only replenished by human or Faunus blood. Not even a grim can help. I know from experience, that was the day I got severely injured and had no energy. Luckily, Blake was the one who took me to the infirmary so I could replenish myself.

    "Hey, Y/n" I turned around to see Blake at my team's door frame. "Hey." I mildly blush because she was here a bit earlier than usual and also the fact that I was just halfway changed into my clothes. So yeah, my crush had just walked in on me shirtless. "S-sorry. Let me just put a shirt on." I turned around and grabbed my shirt and pulled it over my head. "It's not like it haven't seen you shirtless before. With how many times you end up hanging upside down from every tree we pass my, your shirt practically rides up all the way up, exposing your bra." She states noncholantly  as I turn around in shock only to be greeted with a sly smirk. I could tell that I was blushing. "Wh-wha?!" I stuttered. "I'm guessing that you were not aware of that?" She asks raising an eyebrow. I started to cover my already covered stomach with my arms as I slumped a bit. "There's really no need to hide it now, I've seen all of it." She walks past me and looks out the window. I released my arms from my body but I still had that itchy feeling behind my neck. "So, you gonna start now or are we gonna do this later?" Blake asks me, turning around and leaning on the window sil. "A-ah, Yeah sure." I shuffled towards her and grabbed her hand and placed it around the back of my neck. "Squeeze really hard if it hurts, okay?" She rolls her eyes and nods, already memorizing the routine by now.
I chose a place that would most likely not bleed the worst after I've bitten her so I lick her shoulder, relaxing the skin. "Here I go." I warn her. I sink my teeth into her flesh as her breath hitches. Here was a light squeeze at the back of my neck so I loosened a little. Blake lightened off the squeeze and you continued. For a whole 30 seconds we stayed like that until I was full.
I released from her shoulder and moved back. She removed her hand from my neck and then them drop to her sides. Despite the fact that I am full, I don't need that much blood to satisfy me. So that means that Blake will not faint from blood loss. I smiled at her as she did the same for me, making me blush a bit. "Okay!Where to next?"

-(Time Skip: End of Day)-

    Blake and I stopped walking when we reached her room. "Well, thanks for the blood." I smiled. "Until next week, bye!" I did a small solute and waved bye before she nodded and closed the door. Then I walked back to my room with a bounce in my step.

    Over the next two weeks, Blake started hanging out with this Sun guy. I was really bummed out because, well, who wouldn't be if your crush started hanging around some dude you didn't know. Well, there's nothing I can do if she likes him. Not everything is about me. Plus, she probably wants to take a break from the pain each week when I drink her blood.

(Blake's POV)

    So there was this guy named Sun, he's a Faunus, just like me. I told him about my not so little crush on my friend. Yeah, I may have a gigantic crush on a vampire...and I'm her blood source for goodness's sake. She is going to be the death of me. She's the perfect combination of Cute, sweet, hot, adorable, beautiful, hot, and just downright kind- did I say hot twice? Oh well. It's true. Each time she hangs upside down from a tree branch, her shirt rides up her body and her stomach is exposed. It's just so flat and sometimes when she clenches it, you can see the outline of each individual ab. Mikasa from AOT would be Quaking. Okay maybe not. But in the manga, her abs sure are impressive.

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