(RWBY)Coco! x Injured!Fem!Reader!

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"Guys! Fall back! There are too many!" Coco yelled through all the noise. I was up against about 5 Grimm at that time. Dodging left and right, ducking and jumping to avoid the Grimms' attacks. It was tiring. I loosened up a bit and let my arms down to rest then a bit. Right as they were put down, a claw came at my face. I felt severe pain trailing from the middle of my forehead to my jaw. I let out a growl of pain and attacked the Grimm. So focused upon killing that one Grimm, I failed to notice my surroundings. The Grimm had tripped on a plank of wood, sending the shards of glass flying that were laying on top of it. Two of the shards found home in my abdomen, slicing through skin and moving with everybreah I took. I gasped and covered my wounds with the length of my arm. Pain surging through my veins. My head pounded with noise and pain. Looking back at the Grimm, I glared and decided that it was time to get back to the others.
When I arrived, made myself stand up straight and pull my hands to my side instead of where the wounds were. My vision was was blurred but it's okay. I needed to find out if the others people were okay. "Y/n! There you are! When you didn't show up I thought tryouts were gone!" Coco exclaimed, wrapping her arms around me. Suppressing a gasp, I hugged her back and patted her lightly. When we pulled away, I studied her features. She was beautiful. But, the face of worry and a few tear stains here and there, I couldn't bare to put the weight of another injured student on her shoulders. "I promise, I am alive and kickin'!" I smiled at Coco the best I could. "Are you sure...? Your face...it looks like you were scratched really badly..." "I'm fine. Promise." My body was screaming for help and rest. "Okay...take it easy okay? I'm gonna check on the others." I nodded and she started walking away to he others. In her path, I see Blake and Yang. Both on the floor with hands locked together. Something was off. If it wasn't for the puddle of blood on her arm, or where Yang's arm should be, I would've thought she was just laying on her arm in an uncomfortable way. That was not the case, however. I heard Blake's helpless cries and 'I'm sorry's. The sight broke my heart.
My train of thought was cut off by my knees giving up from below me. I hit the ground with a thud. I reach for my wounds and touch them, feeling the glass that was deeply embedded within me. I felt a warmth and wetness to it. I took my hand off my wound and raise my hand to my face. Red. Blood was smeared on my hand with some parts dripping. I took shaky breaths and lowered my hand to the floor as I took a look at my wound.
My cloths were soaked in my own blood from my wound to a point that it looked like the cloths I had been wearing all along. Pain throbbed everywhere and the pounding in my head wasn't going away. I couldn't feel my legs.
I couldn't get up. The place where I was hit was numb but I could feel my skin being cut with every shaky breath. "M-make it stop..." I cried on the floor, helplessly. Everyone had probably already left. As for me, I was in a secluded area behind crates. It would be a miracle if someone were to find me.
"Y/n?" I heard a familiar voice call out. "Where are you!" Velvet called out once again. She was so incredibly kind. Trying to cheer people up when they were sad. Thanking people when they defended her against Cardin.
I try making my presence known by slapping the floor, hoping it made a loud enough noise for Velvet to bear with her bunny ears. I could hear her ears perk up at the sound.
"Vel..." I muttered. I heard the tapping of footsteps coming closer. My vision had plans though. My eyes stared to droop and my vision was blackening. Is the sun going down? That's what I though until I couldn't think anymore and the darkness consumed me.

(Coco POV)

"Coco! Coco!!" My teammate yelled from behind me. "Yeah?" I turned and found Velvet with someone in her arms. "What do I do?!" My eyes widen as I realize who she was carrying. Y/n??!! "What happened!?" I asked frantically as Velvet sets her down and I rush up to her. "I...I just found her like this. She was trying to get help though, I think." Velvet stared worryingly at Y/n trying to find the source of the injury. "Is she dead!? She can't be. I just talked to her moments ago!" I was asking questions to Velvet that I knew she couldn't answer. Something always made me panic when Y/n was hurt. It doesn't matter if she stubbed her toe, I will panic. If it were my team mates, I would've laughted.
This was no stubbed toe though. This was an uncontious Y/n that we don't know why this happened. "Maybe stress?" Velvet asked uncertainly. Something glistening caught my eye. It was at her abdomin. Two shiny things were imbedded in her. What was it?
I reached for it and took a hold of the corner of it. I tried to pull it, seeing if it was just a piece of clothing. No. As I pulled a bit, the thing would not come loose. I tried the other piece, panicking. "She has freaking glass stuck in her!" I exclaimed I stood up abruptly. "Vel! Get a ship that can get us to the nearest hospital!" I command Velvet and she went straight for her scroll.

-(Time Skip: Few Weeks)-

(Your POV)

Before I even open my eyes, I feel intense pain in my stomach. Were periods supposed to hurt this much before? I open my eyes and realize that I was not in my dorm room. Memories of the fall of Beacon came rushing through my head. "Oh my dust." I uttered underneath my breath.
The door then slammed open, causing me to flinch, causing the pain in my stomach to intensify. Oh yeah. I got glass through me. "Y/n!" Coco flopped her upper half of her body onto the hospital bed. "I was so scared you weren't gonna wake up!" She had her face in the sheets. "Why are you face planted into the bed?" I asked bluntly, a gentle smile gracing on my lips. " cuz I don't want you to see me cry." She said as she lifted her head, causing tears to roll down her face. "Well you just did." I smiled and placed my hand on her arm.
"Being without you made me realize something, Y/n. I want to tell you before it might me too late. I....I really like you. I always panic if you get hurt. I tend to soften up my cool personality when it comes to you. Thats what my team tells me. So...I want to know how you feel about this." She glanced between me and the bed sheets she laid on. "C'mere." I told her. Butterflies welling up in my belly, I pat the place next to me. Coco scoots to where I patted and rests her chin on her hands.
I gently place my hands at the sides of her face and lean in, capturing her lips with mine. The kiss only lasted seconds but it felt like an eternity as soon as she started kissing back.
I didn't want to let go of this feeling. I wanted to relish it forever. But I couldn't because we need oxygen.
"W...wow..." coco leaned her head on my chest. "I...I..." she's stuttering, cute. I bring my fingers to the bottom of her chin and lifted it up to meet my gaze. I traced the lips that I had just kissed wig my thumb, still taking in the information that these lips were on mine. "I was scared." I said. "So...so scared." I whimpered as I brought down my hand and rested it in my lap. "I was scared that I wouldn't be able to see you again." I started sobbing.

"Well you did see me again and I'm not going anywhere."

"You Promise?"


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