Hanji x Neko!Fem!Reader

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I swear if I keep on thinking about that clock, I'm going to explode.

I was staring at the clock for a while, bored out of my mind. Hanji...let's think about Hanji...okay....I have a crush on her. She's crazy, but a good crazy. ....um....funny-

Suddenly, Eren bursts through the door. "(Y/n)! Hanji wants to in her lab-office-thingy! Have fun and good luck!" He says as he exits the door. Welp...hopefully she can do something about my pounding head.

I walked to her office...lab. "Hey Hanji, I was told that you needed me?" I asked as I walked through the door. "Ah yes! I need to expirament on you!" She says while she raises her glasses on her face and the lenses start to glow white. I sweat drop. How does that even work?

"Hanjiiiii! I have a headache!" I complained as I sat on the chair. "Then I have the medicine for you! It has side affects that are permanent, but they won't affect you that much." She says, a bit too excited. "Okay." She gives me a flask with a purple-ish color liquid. I drink it and wait a couple of seconds.

After about 30 seconds my headache goes away but I feel a breeze on my ears. Wait...my ears are down here...then...WHATS ON TOP OF MY HEAD!? I panicked as I see Hanji look at me like she just got another titan to experiment on.  "Hanji...I don't like that look your giving me..." I say with uncertainty. She grabs a mirror and shows it to me.


I have freaking cat ears.

"Uh....Hanji....?" I look at her and she's smiling even more, she even has a little blush from ear to ear. I ignore that detail and focus on my "ears". I feel her hand on my head, then it's starts rubbing my ears. "Puurrrrr" I snapped my attention to Hanji, who was not smiling but was blushing like crazy. D-did that pur come from me? Then I feel a bulge in my pants. No, not a ding-dong, (perverted reader-chan) it was above my butt. Don't tell me... Hanji then took my pants off to look at my Tail, exposing my underwear. Right now, that was the least of my worries. A long (H/c) tail springs out of its place and wiggles alittle.

I have a freaking Tail too!!??

By now Hanji's whole face was red, and burning. "Hanji? Are you okay? You haven't said anything since I drank the medicine." I asked, genuinely concerned. "Y-yea I'm fine...you just look so cute I could kiss you!!" She yells, then widens her eyes at what she just said and blushes a brighter red, if possible. I was also blushing the same shade of red.

"Okay...no time better than now I guess...(Y/n)! I have a crush on you!" "I do to!!" "-but I understand if you don't like me back!" "I do like you!" -I just wanted to get it off my chest-" "OI, brats! Stop shouting! And (Y/n) for the sake of the walls! Put your pants on and take that cosplay off!" Levi. "If you want to confess to each other keep it down. By the way Hanji. She likes you too. Tch. Dense." Levi then exits the room without another word.

Hanji and I turn back to each other, both of us still blushing like crazy. "Hanji...I like you too" as soon as I said that, lips came crashing into mine.

When we pulled away, we were panting. She then takes my Tail and rubs it. "Puuurrrrr" I purred.

The rest of the day was filled with cuddling, petting, purring, and making holes in my pants for my Tail.

"Best expirament ever."

Yuri Oneshots?? (X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now