GamerGirl!Wendy x Cute!Fem!Reader

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Short but not depressing! It's worth it!

(I think)

"WEEENNNDYYYYY! Play with meeeeee!!!" you whined as you rolled into her lap. "Y/n, you know that  I'm going to beat you and then you won't want talk to me for the whole rest of the day." Wendy reasoned as she put her book down and started stroking your hair. "Hmmmm....Please...?" I initiated my puppy dog eyes and immediately, Wendy's eyes softened and she gave in.

"Fiiiine...but you have to promise to still speak to me after we play okay?" "Okie!"

Wendy got up to turn on the consol and got the two controllers. She had to bend down more than twice which I didn't mind that much at gave me a view of her cute butt...aaaanyways...

She sat back down beside me and handed me the controller. "Okay so this joystick thingy lets you walk/run and the left trigger th-" "Throws the Grenade and the right trigger shoots the gun. Got it." "....Uh...okey? Oh! Also the other joystick thingy-" "lets you look around and zoom in with your scope. Yup." "...Omg..." she looks at me with me mouth agape. "Hurry up! I wanna play!!!" "Okay Okay! Geez woman!"

The game loads and there was now a count down to start the game, including some AIs into our game.

"Wendy?" "Yes, Love?" "Ooh, Love. New one" "Continue...?"

"Ima Kill You So Hard You Gonna Die To Death."

There was silence.



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